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Posts published in December 2019

We Are the Hollow Men, Headpieces Stuffed with Straw

Absolutely nobody in Mendocino County’s fourth District expects anything from Supervisor (Silent Dan) Gjerde. Honey Bear don't care. That’s how he rolls. Dan Gjerde is…

Here We G(r)o(w) Again, Part II

Well, a promise is a promise, and I suppose that being clean and reforming myself includes doing my best to keep them, and thus—the timeline. …

Measure B Committee Approves the $3.3 Mil

Used to be that applicants for professional positions did a little homework on the organization they were submitting their resume to. These job seekers sometimes…

Justice Is Not Blind…

Last week, a jury found Paul Rivera, a deaf and dumb homeless man, not guilty of possession for sale of methamphetamine, a felony. Rivera was…

MCT: Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Dry & Mild;
Season's Greetings;
Hospital Tales;
Bernie Resisting;
Comptche Bingo;
Religion Creep;
Christmas Stories;
We Lost;
Placing Homeless;
China First;
Expensive Mayhem;
Under Control;
Play Lookouts;
Working Class;
Chip Shot;
Post-Office Burglar;
Missing Reindeer;
Yesterday's Catch;
Conquering Mars;
Cold Facts;
Christmas Cheer

Fire Victims Fundraiser

[Jan 24] A Boonville Fire Victims Fundraiser performance by the award-winning Del Sol String Quartet featuring special guest composer fellows from the Gabriela Lena Frank…

MCT: Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Shelter Need;
Yule Rain;
Patrick Kalfsbeek;
Robert Cummings;
Lopiccolo Tree;
Uneda Eat;
Eureka Views;
Talk & Squirt;
Undersheriff Kendall;
Season's Beating;
Stocking Stuffer;
Cohn Movie;
Kissing Santa;
Homeless Camp;
Essential Claus;
Comments Section;
Last Thing;
Town Squares;
Ram Dass;
Pop Countdown;
Crab Feed;
On Stupidity;
Rodin's Running;
Medical Gougers;
Judicial Assignments;
Strosa Demise;
Yesterday's Catch;
Oligarchy Candidates;
Sneaky Pete;
Bad Choices;
Afghan War;
Pianist Concert;
Found Object

A History of Bad Santa

"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my…
