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Posts published in “Day: August 28, 2019

MCT: Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dry Thunderstorms;
Flea Market;
Legal Expansion;
Strike Tour;
Cauckwell Show;
Slow Down;
Outdoor Grows;
Old Kitchen;
Holly Denied;
Tellie Case;
Lengthy Commute;
Silverman Show;
Ed Notes;
Navy Victims;
Rethink PG&E;
Loved Woolworth's;
Yesterday's Catch;
Foreign Policy;
Medical Expenses;
Threatening Officials;
Trump Matchups;
Staying Home;
Change Lawmakers;
Chez Eggplant;
Found Object

Measure V and Exemption

Measure V was a voter-approved 2016 local ballot measure that mandated that trees killed by herbicides left standing for 90 days were a public nuisance.…

Letters (August 28, 2019)

I very much wish that you would take a less negative view of the proposed multi use path along the route of the abandoned Northwestern Pacific rail line between Ukiah and Eureka.

I Deserve an Apology!

On Wednesday, August 14, I was coming from the Senior Center in Covelo with my senior lunch. At about 11:45am I sat down by the…

County Notes (August 28, 2019)

LAST TUESDAY the Supervisors approved their responses to the Grand Jury about both the management of the county and Measure B, the mental health initiative…

The Triumphant Return of Mr. Hospitality

You can all breathe a sigh of relief— I'm not about to start belaboring the particulars of whatever it is I've been up to of…

Measure V is Law

On June 7, 2016, Mendocino County voters approved Measure V, declaring intentionally-killed and left-standing trees a public nuisance. At issue was the local timber industry…

This is a Bad One…

Many years ago, 1974 I believe, the Redwood Peanut mounted on a flatbed led a caravan of logging trucks around and around the headquarters in…
