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Posts published in March 2019

Pill Disposal

[Apr 27] On Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Fort Bragg Police Department and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public…

MCT: Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Spring Weather;
Library Reopening;
Crab Season;
Right Here;
Small Farms;
Ed Notes;
Walk Ukiah;
Yesterday's Catch;
Biloxi Racism;
Time Victims;
LA 1940;
Sanders Campaign;
Cloaking Device;
Salad U;
Vineyard Lawsuit;
Real Enemy;
Bill Haywood;
Resisting Change;
Unusual Museum;
Spring Concerts;
God's Pocket;
US Advice;
One Who Hopes;
Tax Increase

Woolf in the Library

How Should One Read a Book?by Virginia Woolf (The Common Reader, 1925) In the first place, I want to emphasise the note of interrogation at…

MCT: Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Between Storms;
Navarro Watch;
Patricia Boudoures;
Teddy Super;
Lambert Bridge;
Jazz Show;
Poleeko Dining;
1953 Freeways;
PV Diversion;
Milky Way;
Blue Zones;
Deputy Awards;
Price Hikes;
Cannabis Workshop;
Planning Cancelled;
Burrows Suicide;
Baby Boomlet;
Other Coast;
Book Sale;
Yesterday's Catch;
Collusion Hoax;
Media Reckoning;
Political Deception;
Mea Culpa;
Bad Before;
Bern Movement;
Ferlinghetti 100;
Mr Natural;
Cancer Walk;
Neonic Ban;
My Brother;
Piano Concert;
Found Object

Gang Forum

[Apr 25] Community forum on gang activity, Thursday, April 25, 5:30-7 pm at Fort Bragg Town Hall.

MCT: Monday, March 25, 2019

Cold Front;
Russian Aid;
Frisco Bern;
Cannabis Program;
Shooting Suspects;
Mueller Investigation;
Ed Notes;
Watching Vaughn;
Yesterday's Catch;
War Hawks;
Modest Suggestions;
Candidate Kishineff;
Sister Rosetta;
Glyphosate Ban;
Red-Tail Return;
Berserk Parents;
Sanctuary State;
Philbrick Factcheck;
Impressing Hitler;
The Simpletons;
Citizenship Workshop;
MD 2020;
Transistor Radio;
Low Journalism;
Foley Book;
Harry Houdini;
420 Waldos

Tacitus on the Britons

Tacitus (c.55 CE – c.120 CE) was a Roman historian and senator who may have spent his early years in northeastern Gaul. One of the…

AV Village Meeting

[Apr 24] “Planning Tomorrow, Enjoying Today!” Sunday, April 24 at Lauren’s Restaurant in downtown Boonville, 4 - 5:30 pm. Refreshments provided. Blue Zones… Exploring why…
