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Posts published in August 2018

Miss Smith’s Finest Hour

The City Council meeting met Monday night in Fort Bragg’s Townhall was packed. I am always amazed at how much is revealed by intention or…

Reminiscence On Berry Picking

The end of July and the beginning of August always reminds me of berry picking time, blackberries that is. Until the extinction of rotary phones…

Advertiser-Friendly Journalism At Sonoma Magazine

A polite term for it is “puffery.” It's also known as “advertiser-friendly journalism.” It has often plagued the magazine industry and especially since the 1920s…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018

Eel Fire;
County Slackers;
Complex Updates;
Heating Planet;
Train Chasing;
Little Dog;
Suspect Released;
Winnebago Sunk;
Independence Money;
AVHC News;
Turbid Murk;
Yesterday's Catch;
Dark Age;
Gorilla Meditation;
Gardens Art;
Free Kindling;
Marco Radio;
Not Crimes;
Charging Stations;
Featured Artist

The Fires Of July 2018

Two vegetation fires broke out in Mendocino County Friday afternoon the 27th of July, sending large plumes of gray-ish smoke into Mendocino County’s summer air visible for miles around. These two fires began when California’s firefighting capacity was already thin and tired from fires throughout the state.

Off the Record (Aug. 1, 2018)

A UKIAH RESIDENT called to complain, with more than ample reason, about the gang presence in her neighborhood. She wondered if the Ukiah Police Department…

Valley People (Aug. 1, 2018)

I LIKE the wavy striping on the Boonville-Ukiah Road, and am absolutely chagrined to learn that it's temporary. Of course whimsy has no place in the CalTrans mission, and not much place anywhere else in our standardized, one size fits all world.

PA Harbor Festival

[Sep 2] This is an event that you don’t want to miss: a perfect setting with amazing food, stunning views, great company and all for…
