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Posts published in March 2018

Bird’s Eye View (March 14, 2018)

Clocks went forward last Sunday — about time you were made aware of this. “Evening Dining in the Valley” — by late May we should be back to eight Valley evening restaurants. Moves are finally…

Tying The Knot (Half-Hitched)

If you were to construct a graph illustrating my wedding attendance over the course of my life, and I can't think of any reason why I would except to illuminate this narrative, you would see…

Homeless In Paradise

It’s that time of year again. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is busy tabulating the nation’s official homeless count following January’s nationwide one-day point-in-time count, a task it has undertaken since 1987.…

Tax Party!

A black, stretch limo speeds west on Low Gap Road, careens into the Mendocino County government complex, and comes to an abrupt stop. Several laughing figures rush from the building with bottles of Dom Perignon. They pile into the limo. The door remains open with the engine idling.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Willis Tucker;
Getting Legal;
Ed Notes;
Bear Pleads;
Shelter Fund;
Maxstadt Maxed;
Little Dog;
Affordable Housing;
Regional Park;
Ruthless Capitalism;
Yesterday's Catch;
Best Dressed;
New Teacher;
Disaster Warning;
Teacher Pay;
Reagan Legacy;
Asylum Stigma;
Tsunami Warning;
Shawna's Dogs;
Donald Saga;
Compassionate Care;
Laytonville Wins;
Walmart Solution

Meet The Newbies

A slow week at the county courthouse means we can indulge in a little lightening of the mood, perhaps get to know some of the new personalities who have taken over the center of attention,…

Off the Record (March 14, 2018)

IN OUR TALK with Supe's candidate John Pinches, Pinches said that he thought Doug Losak was the best County Counsel the County has had recently. "He saved the County thousands and thousands of dollars," Pinches…
