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Posts published in July 2017

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Hospitality Violation;
FB Deficit;
Gitlin Shelter;
Little Dog;
Invisible Deal;
Philo Warning;
Farm Produce;
Jury Trial;
Renter Assistance;
Emergency Training;
Lakeside Talks;
Power Bills;
Yesterdays' Catches;
Vietnam Encore;
Old Age;
Travelogue 4;
Looking Back;
Musical Chicago;
Recognizing Farmworkers;
Delta Docs;
Library Events

Coast Hospital: Unresponsive

The electronic medical records of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) were the subject of a computer cyber attack in June. Apparently the hospital's administrative leadership…

Fort Bragg Notes

The elected government of the City of Fort Bragg is loaded for bear and going after Hostility House. The flagship operation of Mendocino Coast Hospitality…

A Curable Romantic?

The Thessalonian Catrell Love case is finally going to jury trial, but the pretrial motions took up a lot of the court’s time last week,…

Valley People (July 26, 2017)

JENNIFER AZZI, the famous Stanford and Olympic gold medal basketball player was in town last week presiding over a basketball clinic in the Boonville gym for male and female student athletes from around the county. Ms. Azzi’s week-long hoops camp was sponsored by the Miner-Anderson family at whose Boonville ranch Ms. Azzi made her home while she was in town.

Bird’s Eye View (July 26, 2017)

Work continues on a new restaurant going into the building in downtown Philo that until six months ago had been the home of Libby’s Restaurant for sixteen years. The kind of eatery has yet to be announced but rumors abound about a quality breakfast/diner establishment that the Valley lacks at this point. Steak and eggs? Corned beef hash and eggs? Served at 8am? Such simple pleasures made America great! Can somebody just take care of this, please?

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Remembering Susan;
Slotte Charged;
Elk Grove Man;
Fatal Collision;
Pill Disposal;
Water Fight;
Old Campground;
Azzi Clinic;
Grower Mayhem;
Doubledip Galletti;
Little Dog;
Job Openings;
Small Government;
Travelogue 3;
Clueless Elites;
Pension Returns;
KZYX Meeting;
Mr. UnDosTres;
Women's Retreat

The Day The Fire Came

A hellish inferno sweeps across the Texas Panhandle. 

Green Meeting, Boonville

[Aug 20] Help develop a strong and viable Green Party. Now is the time for you to join the momentum toward a progressive and Green…
