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Posts published in May 2017

Brilliantly Sunny In Mendo

Wendesday morning after coffee at the Mosswood Market I sat in the truck with my pregnant girlfriend, Jetta, checking out the weather forecast on a…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Board Meeting;
Suspect Search;
Suspicious Death;
Confusion Unified;
Little Dog;
Principal VandeBunte;
Regulating Industry;
Bewley Village;
Beauty Spot;
Cannabis Kibosh;
Mendo Pensioners;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tick Season;
Manchester Attacks;
Bully Worship;
Peace Boat;
Musical Play;
Guitar Masters;
Oakland Happenings;
Insane Worldview;
FB Fires

Busy Week For The Supes

SHERIFF TOM ALLMAN: “I’m a little embarrassed to be here today. I was here last month in front of you and I said that in…

Everything Is Awesome!

If you listen to a very old person talk long enough, and I mean real old, and of a disposition toward colorful slang, you might…

He At Least Shows Up

It’s not all knitting class and poetry readings in the misdemeanor court, or so I was told, so during what proved to be a painfully…

Musical Patriotism

With the ears of the body politic taking constant abuse from the choruses of recrimination echoing through and beyond White House and Capitol, we need…

Do You, Mr. Jones?

In case you wonder how our politics fell into such a slough of despond, the answer is pretty simple. Neither main political party, or their…
