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Posts published in May 2017

Puppy Love

The popular soap opera on South State starring the dashing Zebulon Zale Couthern and co-starring Mandy Etta Grinsell has entered its 27th season to much…

Open Studio

[May 27-29] Hello friends, collectors, seekers of beauty, connoisseurs of fine art, back road treasure hunters, fog eaters and Valley locals,  I invite you to…

Letters (May 10, 2017)

It is shocking that the Board of the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds would approve the painting over of the historic Fine Arts Building murals. When these murals were originally painted in 1978, it was huge community event. When they were restored in 1995, it was, once again, a huge community event.

Valley People (May 10, 2017)

I ONCE SAW a tourist couple step tentatively into Boonville's brochure-festooned Chamber of Commerce ad shack, the only touri I’ve seen from my perch across the street to risk it. The elderly gent cautiously peered in before beckoning his wife to follow. They were soon back out in the sunshine, empty-handed because there's nothing inside of interest or in any way associated with life in this place as it is lived by us.

Sonoma Clean Power Play

What if the revolution came, and we missed it because we tossed out the announcement? Seems like that’s what happened last month, when PG&E customers…

Presumed Dead

We are deep into the National Basketball Association (NBA) 2017 playoffs. Every once in awhile when I watch Klay Thompson or Steph Curry swish another…

Status: Deceased

I have an excellent moneymaking idea, one sure to rake in millions, and as I plan to outline it here in this space I'm going…
