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Posts published in February 2017

Uncle Wild Hair

You know the feeling you get when you casually flip on a light switch—the manner in which all of us nearly always do it, nonchalantly…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017

More Rain;
Doomsday Tycoons;
Little Dog;
Wi-Fi Extender;
Philo Speed;
Emissions Proposal;
Carl Shapiro;
Timothy O'Brien;
Police Reports;
High-school Hoops;
Cannabis Tax;
Weed Women;
Village Movement;
Yesterday's Catch;
Musburger Retires;
Library Events;
Clean Energy;
Un Hospitality;
Sako & Summers;
Planning Canceled

Fort Bragg ‘Mummy’ Case Goes To Court

At a preliminary hearing in Ten Mile Superior Court on Monday, January 30th, caregiver Lori Fiorentino was bound over for trial by visiting Judge Eric Labowitz…

Loaded For Bear

The prelim for Eugene ‘Bear’ Lincoln and his sister Sonia Lincoln began last week and ended severed, like a live worm, both ends wriggling inconclusively…

Off the Record (Feb. 1, 2017)

CARL SHAPIRO, the ultimate public defender, has died at his home in Fairfax. Carl was 100, and lucid to the very end, lucid enough to…

Goodbye Fort Wayne

I sat in my dad’s house, empty except for a chair and the phone. It had taken me weeks to sort it out, clear it…

Village Movement

[Feb 12] A group discussion of life and end-of-life. Please join us on Sunday, February 12th at 4:00 p.m. at Lauren’s Restaurant, 14211 Highway 128,…

Why The Dems Lost

Trip Gabriel, the New York Times reporter, found many Trump signs in the front yards of loyal union members who had been Democrats. Don’t waste…
