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Posts published in February 2017

Valley People (Feb. 1, 2017)

YORKVILLE collected nine inches of rain over the six-day stretch of January 18-24, with the first day being the wettest at 3.32 inches. The High Rollers’ season total is…

Bird’s Eye View (Feb. 1, 2017)

First let’s have a little recap or, some might say, a disclaimer! For those of you unaware of what this column of “Vulture-journalism” is all…

Philo: Speed Trap Or Death Trap?

Mr. Darren Hill, a Caltrans traffic engineer out of the Eureka 1 District office, opened the discussion of the downtown Philo speed limit at the…

‘Downtown Watch’

A large fir has uprooted and fallen across the footbridge directly in front of the Russian Gulch waterfall. For me that's the biggest takeaway in…


I recently watched several interviews with people attending the inauguration of Donald Trump, and I had to keep reminding myself these were not actors in Saturday Night Live skits, nor had clever cynics written the bewildering dialogue. These were real men and women, old and young, gay and straight, who were excited enough about the election of Donald Trump to travel great distances to witness the swearing in.

Letters (Feb. 1, 2017)

In the January 4 AVA there was a short letter published commenting on the sorry condition and kill policy of the Ukiah Animal Shelter. Following the letter was an Ed Note asking, "What ever happened to the inmate crews who used to help out?"
