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Posts published in January 2017

The Cheeto Cometh

I dunno about you, but I rather enjoy watching the praetorian Deep State go batshit crazy as the day of Trump’s apotheosis approacheth. I imagine…

E-Brake’s Blessing

There are probably settings more dismal than a Fort Bragg (northern latitude, coastal proximity) bus "shelter" on a late Sunday afternoon in mid-November during a…

Carrying On

We are feeling pampered and special because the power went back on after a two-day outage. We know there will probably be another outage when the next storm hits, but for now we’re on Easy Street. No more cooking on the woodstove. No more boiling water in the old kettle to wash dishes. No more writing by candlelight. Our computers work again. We can take showers. Luxury!

An Afternoon With Sherman Alexie

There was a crowd gathering outside the College of the Redwoods auditorium, we had all come to hear one of my literary heroes Sherman Alexie…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017

Rain Expected;
Cousin Visit;
High-school Hoops;
Silicon Valley Poser;
Little Dog;
MLK March;
Shelter Reopens;
Yorkville Pass;
PG&E Inspection;
Hales Grove;
Hippy Queen;
Pesticide Cup;
Yesterday's Catch;
Helpful Democrats;
Soccer Girl;
Oligarch Parties;
Obamacare Fleas

County Trash Hauler Pushed To Brink

Willits Weekly reporter Mike A'Dair dug up some useful background concerning the ongoing dispute between County trash hauler Jerry Ward of Solid Waste of Willits…

New Years On The Coast, 1879

1878 slipped into 1879 along the Mendocino Coast behind a northwestern breeze that blew away the rain showers of New Year's Eve. The flag on…

Do We Want To Win Or Just Feel Good?

Meryl Streep makes a beautiful, heartfelt (“sank hooks in my heart”) speech at the Golden Globes eviscerating Trump for mocking the disabled who lack “the…

Off the Record (Jan. 18, 2017)

DEPARTMENT OF THE MACABRE: According to a presser from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, the three pit bulls that nearly killed Pollard Hale, 57, of…
