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Posts published in January 2017

Ukiah Symphony

[Feb 11, 12] The Dances of Argentina, the third concert in the Ukiah Symphony Orchestra's 2016-17 season, will be presented at the Mendocino College Center…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017

More Rain;
CPS Attack;
Fathom Released;
Little Dog;
Women's March;
Mock Trial;
Library Events;
Remembering Shep;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tracking Cannabis;
Bud Budget;
News Hacking;
Trump Love;
Clean Teens;
Petty President;
Elite Party;
Hippy Queen;
Feeling Unsafe;
Debt Speaks;
Health Insurance;
Carbon Trading;
Journalism Is;
Double Pay

The Fall

Eden, the original field of human thought, contains two fruit-bearing trees. One brings life and the other brings death. One fruit is digested and the other gets caught in the throat.

William Faulkner: Voices In The Mud

When William Faulkner was already a grand figure and John Kennedy was collecting such objects to adorn some of his private dinners, the writer received an invitation from the President for one of these events in the White House. At this table had already sat many of the Great: Norman Mailer, Saul Bellow, Arthur Miller, and the Sinatras, to name a few. Pablo Casals and his cello had aggrandized some of the exquisite desserts.

Letters (Jan. 18, 2017)

I find myself baffled by the idea that Caltrans would want to raise the speed limit through Philo based on a survey that finds most drivers travel through town faster than the posted speed of 30 mph. If they found that most traffic accident deaths were caused by drunk drivers would they repeal the DUI law? You would think that one death in Downtown Philo would be warning enough to keep the speed limit low.

Charm Day At The County Courthouse

It has taken a long time to get Thessalonian Love back into court. Since his conviction by a jury for trying to abduct a Point Arena minor and sell her to his friends in San Bernardino, Mr. Love has shown considerable contempt for Mendocino County justice, mainly in the form of spitting on anyone who comes within range, such as his defense lawyers, Jan Cole-Wilson and Patrick Pekin, as well as Probation Officer Sandra Plaza and various correctional officers.
