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Posts published in November 2016

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Nov. 24, 2016

Bush Resurfaces;
Suspect Ryan;
Woodhouse News;
Little Dog;
Jail Condition;
Captain Upskirt;
Mural Returns;
Judge Retires;
Planning Agenda;
College Morale;
Cob Report;
Whale Watching;
Yesterday's Catch;
Catch Verse;
Nazi Echoes;
Trump Appointee;
Craig Returns;
Syria Talk;
Thanksgiving Prayers;
Craft Squad;
Network 40;
Solar Trump;
Becoming Fascist

“The Rag”

“The Sixties” as a state of mind has lasted far longer than the actual decade itself, much to the delight of 1960s survivors and to…

Dirges for the Living Dead

At any political funeral, especially one as sorrowful and grandiose as Hillary’s ongoing obsequies, there will inevitably be abundant tears and cathartic sighs, long faces…

Who Poisoned My Grapes? (Part 2)

To review, I knew that my vineyard had been sprayed with an herbicide which originated from someone spraying the railroad property that borders me. I…

Blackbird Under Fire

It would be incorrect to describe last Thursday night’s Blackbird Farm meeting at the Boonville firehouse as "hostile." But most of the 40 or 50…

Solar Postage Socialist

I recently sent a little book, not much more than a glorified pamphlet, to Switzerland. The least expensive way to send the little thing was via the Post Office for twenty-three dollars. Not very many years ago, the postal service offered inexpensive international mail service, but that was eliminated because…
