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Posts published in October 2016

Valley People (Oct. 5, 2016)

ABOUT 2PM SUNDAY a half-dozen people chanting demands to save the forests walked briskly through Boonville. Four men carrying a redwood sapling were the focus of the group's display, and a couple of people appeared to be dressed in green, lending the procession a vaguely druidic cast. Spotting my young friend Miguel across the street near Boont Berry Farm just as the funereal mini-procession passed from view, I asked him what had just happened. "Heepies," he explained without elaborating.

Home Court

I have been enjoying the occasional stint in the Mendocino High School gym assisting coach Jim Young with training his most promising basketball players. The ambience of the indoor court takes me back to my two years as a gym rat at UC Santa Cruz in the late 1960s when that university was only a few years old. I was not much interested in academia, and when I wasn’t writing my fledgling fiction or throwing a Frisbee or hunting for pianos to play, I could be found in the field house playing basketball.

Bird’s Eye View (Oct. 5, 2016)

The many followers of the Valley’s restaurant world are still buzzing about the recent happenings, in particular about The Buckhorn, Boonville, and Stone and Embers continuing to swirl in a tornado of gossip and rumor, plus, unfortunately, a few completely untrue fabrications and falsehoods. Fortunately, I have the facts from the ‘horses’ mouths’ so to speak. The owner of The Buckhorn, Tom Towey, is planning to respond to this confusion and misunderstanding with an explanation that will be appear in next week’s AVA. This should clear up much of the silliness over the last two weeks regarding his closing.

Last Day To Register

[Oct 24] October 24, 2016 is the last day for electors to register in order to vote in the November 8, 2016 Presidential General Election, according…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016

Autumn Rain;
Where's Woodhouse;
Blackbird Business;
Litter Balls;
Pension Fix;
Grant Addicts;
Election Forum;
No AF;
Police Reports;
Dope Yups;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tabloid Trash;
Giants Fan;
Cactus Eaters;
Library Events;
Dem Investigation;
Museum Event;
Voter Reg;

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct. 3, 2016

Log Walk;
Bicyclist Critical;
Blackbird Hearing;
Panther Loss;
Pumpkin Patch;
Government Programs;
Cap'n Flint;
Police Reports;
Cancer Walk;
Yesterday's Catch;
Pension Thoughts;
Bundy Damage;
Racial Hostility;
Lake County;
Hiking Sinkyone
