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Posts published in August 2016

Measure AG Forum

[Aug 31] Currently, Mendocino County does not have facilities for inpatient treatment of psychiatric and substance use disorders. People who need these services either don’t…

I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told

The night hung on deep summer Ukiah like damp, dark wool— thick, heavy, and vaguely redolent of an indefinable funk. Insectile whirrs, chirps and chillers…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Aug 3, 2016

Boonville Gastroporn;
Asphalt Plant Requests;
Redwood Drive-in;
Election Games;
Yesterday's Catch;
Stehr Interview;
Political Eternities;
Female Drone;
Black Platform;
Housing Needed;
Wasserman Schultz Complaint;
Pension Hazard;
Art Mix;
Absurd Times

Zombie Log — From The AVA Ukiah Bureau

The occupant in the trailer next door has been selling meth since the AVA opened this bureau over a year ago. The following is a…

Transparency & KZYX

On the mild early summer evening of June 27th, the KZYX Board of Directors met at Anderson Valley High School. Approximately 15 people attended including…

Off the Record (Aug 3, 2016)

RICHARD SHOEMAKER, former supervisor from the Ukiah area and career holder of upper echelon public jobs, is Point Arena's "part-time" manager at $50,000 a year.…

Valley People (Aug 3, 2016)

BOB DEMPEL, HOPLAND OLD TIMER, WRITES: I, like you, was saddened to hear of the passing of John Hulbert. I also had been thinking about…

Bird’s Eye View (Aug 3, 2016)

According to polls, a total of some 20% of the electorate, comprising voters from all sides of the political spectrum, express the view that they do not like either presidential candidate. As a result, folks are theorizing that the election in November will actually come down to a choice between the lesser of two “evils.” Has it ever been this bad?

Letters (Aug 3, 2016)

I want to thank all the residents on Mountain View Road and across the county who supported us in our quest to discover the menacing generator which has robbed us of sleep for six months. I have also had calls from across the county — Mendocino, Fort Bragg, Elk, Boonville and Ukiah.
