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Posts published in July 2016

Kevin & Mumia

Yesterday, the basketball player Kevin Durant signed a two-year contract with the Golden State Warriors for 55 million dollars and I read Chris Hedges’ interview with Mumia Abu Jamal, who has now served thirty-five years of a life sentence for a murder he may or may not have committed.

MJ Saves Medicare Money

Researchers at the University of Georgia have published a study in the July issue of Health Affairs showing that Medicare's prescription drug benefit program saves money…

Bye Bye, Blackbird

I would like to thank the Planning Commission and those front counter people in the office who have been moved to tell me within the last couple of weeks how hard the job is when dealing with the public. Yours is a trying and often thankless task not often appreciated by the general public.

Nothing Happened

The majority of local pot pharmas brought in by law enforcement are too young to qualify as part of the back-to-the-land demographic. Those old hippies…

Letters (July 13, 2016)

I found out late last night that due to a lack of ticket sales and substantial sponsorship our producer Chad Rea is cancelling the Cannabis Country Fair. We apologize for the late notice, but he continued the effort until the last possible moment only to reach an impasse.
