Pond Drained;
Roadkill Dump;
Remco Sale;
Antler Recommends;
Corporatist Clinton;
Liu Memorial;
GJ Restitution;
Coon Problem;
Ukiah Construction;
Police Work;
DA Cat;
MRC Spending;
V Radio;
Yesterday's Catch;
SoHum Homeless;
Mad Cows;
Library Events;
Family Reunion
Posts published in May 2016
[May] The 4th Annual Art of Letter, Word & Book exhibit is up and running (until May 30) at Odd Fellows hall, corner of Ukiah and Kasten Streets in Mendocino. Please stop by any day…
Kuny Recovering;
Superdelegate Flak;
Salmon Decimated;
Landline Extinction;
Phone Legislation;
Liu Memorial;
Medical Bankrupts;
Against V;
MAC Board;
Filtering Email;
Police Reports;
Yesterday's Catch;
JDSF Opening;
Helicopter Patrol;
Oddfellows Hall;
Friday 13;
Retirement Meeting;
Miss Liberty;
Secular Swing;
Florida Craig
U Opinion;
Judicial Partyline;
Parrish Honored;
Soto Honored;
FBUSD Meeting;
Police Reports;
Alona Wanted;
Coon Problem;
Aubrey Benefit;
Ab Profiling;
Yesterday's Catch;
Congressman X;
Dump Trump;
Offensively Diverse;
Saudi Involvement;
Lesser Evilists;
Theatre Run;
Needs Money;
Open Mic;
Tunnels Audit;
Festival Volunteers;
Clinton Corrupt
"Can you believe we're Seniors! Love is great, cash is better, the Class of '16 can't get no Wetter! xoxo, Your Number One Rain Goddess Cheerleader, Hillary Rodham..."
Kuny Crushed;
U Opponents;
Cat Shelter;
Remco Sale;
Diver Search;
Disputed THP;
Yesterday's Catch;
Doctors Agree;
HumCo Bust;
Gun Club;
Answer Please;
DNC Burn;
Race Day;
Brown Appointments;
Transfer Station;
Very Rich;
Book Launch
So, why is it the “Puppeteers” of Fort Bragg seem to send out their “Puppets” every time something comes up they can’t or won’t deal with? What makes it even worse is the fear factor they are using. This is what is happening in Fort Bragg right now. Let's remember these people against Measure U are masters of deception. They are making other Social Service groups fearful. You can make people do anything if you make them afraid. You make them afraid by creating an Aura of endless threat. It’s very sad that the “Puppet People” would use the very people they are claiming to protect in order to please the “Puppeteer”.