- Kuny Hospitalized
- Sanders Win
- PA History
- Kitties Evicted
- Kunys Evicted
- Proposition 50
- Nutty Candidates
- Influence Peddlers
- Kitchen Fiasco
- Mountain House
- Yesterday's Catch
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- Missing Diver
- Samson!
[Just In] DAN KUNY, well known Mendocino logger, is in a Merced hospital after suffering a major woods accident Tuesday. First reports say Kuny had been falling trees in the west Sierras when a tree fell on him. An experienced faller much in demand by private timber companies and CalFire, Kuny is also a long-time local high school football coach renowned for his winning team at Anderson Valley High School.
![Kuny with grandson and one of his standout players in 2015's championship season](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/KunyPlayer.jpg?resize=478%2C409&ssl=1)
Sanders wins big: 51% Sanders, 36% Clinton.
(When Point Arena was bigger)
by Christine Pennock, former Point Arena City Clerk, 1958 (late wife of High School Principal & Mayor Ralph Pennock)
(Debra Keipp notes: The recent 2016 Grand Jury investigation of the City of Point Arena identified that in order to become incorporated as a city today, a municipality must have at least 500 residents. Point Arena struggles along presently as a City with only 477 residents and three, instead of five, filled seats on city council. Maxed out on allotted appointments presently, by law, Point arena is unable to appoint any more council members, and is now forced to limp along with a minimum quorum of only three until the next election in November. Point Arena may be faced with disincorporation if the city refuses to consider re-annexation in expansion of its city limits, also thereby increasing the number of voters and election applicants from a broader base. Former Point Arena City Clerk, the late Christine Pennock, penned this history in 1958 from Point Arena City Hall records. Of interest is the previously little-known fact, as she writes, “While most cities have annexed territory since incorporation, the city boundaries of Point Arena were drastically reduced by an election in 1940. This was made necessary because the city was not financially able to take care of the streets and roads within the original city limits.”)
* * *
The year 1958 marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the first store in Point Arena and therefore the beginning of Point Arena as a town, though settlers had arrived and established themselves several years before that. The year 1958 also marks the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of Point Arena as a city. Since there has been no official celebration of either event, it seems fitting that the city council should call these important events to the attention of the citizens and present a brief resume of the first fifty years of the city's history as reflected in the meeting minutes of the Point Arena City Council.
Sometimes people wonder why Point Arena was incorporated, since it is such a small city and the financial problems have been so great. The old timers will tell you that the purpose of incorporation was twofold: first to do something about getting better streets, and second, to make it possible for control of saloons and the liquor business to be vested in local hands.
The city limits were quite large (to include the lighthouse so funding could be found to rebuild it after the 1906 earthquake) when the city was first incorporated. It has been stated that it was necessary to take in such a large territory in order to have the population required for incorporation. While most cities have annexed territory since incorporation, the city boundaries of Point Arena were drastically reduced by an election in 1940. This was made necessary because the city was not financially able to take care of the streets and roads within the original city limits. Over the years it has often been difficult enough to care for the city streets.
The first regular meeting of the city council (then designated as the board of trustees) of the City of Point Arena was held on July 28, 1908. Members of the first board were J.C. Halliday, C.M. Curley, H.B. Scott, Phil Lobree and John Bishop. Phil Lobree was selected to be chairman of the board. Other officers selected at that time were N.A. McCallum, city clerk (a post which he held for eight years); William Hanen, treasurer; W.M. Fairbanks, recorder; John Dixon, city marshal; and W. T. Jenkins, city attorney. During the first 50 years since its incorporation the city has had fourteen mayors or chairmen: Phil Lobree, H.B. Scott, J.W. Kingren, C.F. O'Brien, N.P. Howe, J.D. Jensen, R.L. Dennen, G.L. Kendall, Ed Pedretti, M.J. Pellascio, Garth Rawles, Taylor York, J.C. Pellascio and Ralph Pennock. Of those M.J. Pellascio served a total of twenty years as mayor: from 1924-26 and then from 1934 until his retirement from the council in 1952. There have been eleven city clerks and eight city treasurers from 1908-58. Of these, M.S. Scott served the longest as city clerk and O.P. Gillmore the longest as city treasurer. There have been fifteen men who served as city marshal or police chief in accordance with the state laws governing citizens. The citizens, however, continued to use the term “marshal”.
Since one reason for incorporation was the regulation and control of the liquor business, one of the first things the board took up after such basic problems as organization, duties of officers, etc., was the issuing of licenses for saloons. Licenses were issued quarterly and in October of 1908 licenses were issued to twelve applicants. A large part of the revenue of the city came from liquor licenses, and a good part of the board's time was taken up in dealing with problems arising from the sale of liquor. Habitual drunkards were placed on the “dry list” and saloon keepers were forbidden to sell to those individuals as long as they remained on the list. But very often it was the wife or other relative of the person who made the “dry list” request. There is a record of one man, a doctor, who appeared before the board and voluntarily requested that his name be placed on the “dry list”. Of course, he later reappeared and requested that his name be removed.
Other revenue available to the city came from business licenses, from a street poll tax of $2.00 per head, and a $0.40 road tax. The city levied and collected its own taxes until this function was turned over to the county in 1929. On January 5, 1909, the balance in the treasury is reported as $36.16.
Problems arising from the control of saloons were numerous. Every year about the 4th of July the saloon keepers would appear before the council and request that they be allowed to keep their places of business open all night during the week of July 4th because there was always a big celebration and the town was full. The minutes of June 8, 1909 read: “D.H. Antrim addressed the board and stated, 'As there will not be sleeping room in the hotels for the number expected to be in town on and about July 4th, the saloons should be allowed to remain open all night and even if no liquor is sold in order that those who have no accommodations might have at least some place to stay'.”
On May 7, 1915 a local option election was held to determine whether or not the City of Point Arena should be “wet” or “dry”. 257 votes were cast. That was before women were able to vote so the population of males seemed to have increased a great deal just at that time. We understand that the hotels were filled to overflowing with people who were residents pro-tem, but still apparently able to vote, and even those who were bedridden were carried to the polls. The result was a very close 133 yes and 124 no: the City of Point Arena remained “wet”.
It must have been quite a blow when the Volstead Act was passed in 1919. The results of closing the saloons showed up almost immediately in the city treasury. Thereafter the council regulated places where beer and soft drinks could be served. During those years, occasional convictions for violation of the Volstead Act appear in the records; but not many. The coast was quite perfect for boot legging and Point Arena had its share.
In 1915 Marshal Dixon was killed in the performance of his duties. As the city at that time carried no insurance on its employees, funeral expenses were paid by the city and a monthly sum was paid to his widow. Shortly thereafter the city took out its first compensation insurance policy.
Some years later the city treasurer vanished with the city funds and the city was completely broke until partial restitution was made by his bondsman.
The first twenty years after incorporation (1908-1928) saw some improvements made in the streets: a sewer laid on Main Street; some attempt at fire protection; ordinances adopted regulating dogs and animals; drunkenness; disorderly houses; firecrackers; fire hazards (particularly flues as the fire marshal was supposed to inspect every flue once a month to prevent house fires); children's curfew ordinance - off the streets by 7 PM in the winter time); cheek-to-cheek dancing, etc. Of these, two: the ordinance pertaining to flues, and the one pertaining to dancing, have never been repealed.
During the depression years of the early '30's, the city often did not have enough money to pay the bills and they had to be held over until some money came in. Nevertheless, during these years the streets were kept in passable shape, a sewer was built on School Street, with the property owners paying part of the cost, and with assistance from the WPA a sewer was built on Mill Street, again with the cooperation of the property owners, and Mill Street was oiled by voluntary contributions from the property owners and other residents. Street lights had been installed, but in 1933, all these had to be discontinued during the Depression, except those on Main Street, because of the cost. In 1930 an electric franchise was granted to Clyde Henry, and from then on the minutes are full of controversy between the city and the light company, mostly about rates, but also about service. This continued until the franchise was purchased by PG&E after WWII.
Controversy over water also consumes many pages in the minutes, particularly in late years. Two hearings before the PUC have been held recently: an increase in rates has been given, and some improvements in the system have been made.
The effect of WWII on the City of Point Arena is very evident in their minutes. Any major improvements in the city were impossible and interest in city affairs seemed at a minimum, as many able-bodied local men were shipped off to war. In the war-era special city election of 1942, fourteen votes were cast and in the regular election of 1944, there were fifteen. The council was asked to pass regulations on blackouts and to focus on establishing a coastal, war-era defense council, etc.
After the war, the Council began to think about improvements. As much work as possible was done in the streets, sewers, the jail, etc. But on July 15, 1946 the City Hall and the fire house, along with the Masonic Hall, the Presbyterian Church, the Civic Club Hall and other property, burned to the ground.
Meetings of the council were held first thereafter in the Bank of America office and then in various other spots. It was not until 1948 that a bond election was held to build a new City Hall. Paying for this new cement block building took almost all available funds of the city for quite a number of years and many other necessary things had to be curtailed or dispensed with to make way for the new City Hall downtown on Main Street, which also held one jail cell.
In the last six or eight years (1950-58), considerable progress has been made in the City. A new septic tank was built, partly paid for with state funds; new fire equipment was purchased, and an active volunteer fire department organized. Later the two settling ponds were constructed, again partly with state funds. Within the last year (1957-58), due largely to increased revenues from business licenses and from sales tax, several of the city streets have been resurfaced, a comprehensive city map has been secured and a new sewer line has been laid part of the way on Lake Street and upper Main Street. Plans are underway for additional work on Riverside Drive and for a house address numbering system in town.
It is interesting to note that over the years the same problems have arisen time and time again. Because of limited funds, many times no permanent measures could be taken. But progress has been made, and if the second fifty years show as much change as the first fifty, then we have something to be proud of in Point Arena.
(Town Meeting, 1985, Photo by David Torres, presented vertically to make it more legible)
(Contributed by Debra Keipp)
It's shaping up to be a doozy of a Fort Bragg Public Safety meeting at the police station Wednesday (3:00 pm) as the city decided, unannounced, to remove the "kitty condos" in Fort Bragg harbor — not because of cats, but because of a raccoon complaint from the Harbor Lite Motel.
The "condos" have been a fixture in the harbor for years and the community (with no help from the city thank you) has fed, spayed & neutered the felines for years. It is yet another in a long line of "bass-ackwards" decisions that has enraged citizens as they weren't asked for input on the decision.
A neighboring motel manager at the Cliff Hotel said in a comment he hasn't had any raccoon problems and intends to attend the meeting.
Many others promise to make their voices heard on the subject also. Unfortunately, MSP will be in BOONVILLE covering a doubleheader. But we hope to get updates from the meeting.
TRAUMA on top of trauma for the Lisa Kuny family. Two weeks ago, Bobby Kuny, 18, and a senior at Anderson Valley High School, saved his mother and another woman from major mayhem by shooting a crazed drunk wielding a chef's knife. The drunk, Lorenzo Rodriguez, survived and now faces attempted murder charges.
BUT THE NEXT DAY, Mrs. Kuny and her three children were ordered to leave the home near Hendy Woods that they'd just moved into. The property owner, Don Gowan, wanted them out. Mrs. Kuny had worked out a share arrangement from the permanent tenant, Cassandra Gowan, not approved by Don Gowan, the property owner. As of Monday, the Kunys are homeless. Mrs. K had hoped to stay on at least until the end of the school year. The Kuny children are all well behaved. Bobby a gentle soul whose hobby is flower arranging, has got to be just about the least likely gun guy in Mendocino County. If Bobby hadn't had the presence of mind to run for his antique .22 revolver his mother and Cassandra Gowan might not have survived the mad man.
ELK RESIDENT Peter Lit recently pointed out the strange text on page 26 of California’s June 7, 2016 Voter Information Guide concerning Proposition 50 “Suspension of Legislators. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.”
If a Member knowingly accepts any compensation for appearing, agreeing to appear, or taking any other action on behalf of another person before any local government board or agency, the Member may not, for a period of one year following the acceptance of the compensation, vote upon or make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence an action or decision before the Legislature, other than an action or decision involving a bill described in subdivision (c) of Section 12 which he or she knows, or has reason to know, would have a direct and significant financial impact on that person and would not impact the public generally or a significant segment of the public in a similar manner.
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? And why is it being presented as a ballot measure?
Part of the answer is provided by an LA Times editorial on Proposition 50 from last month:
"Punishing corrupt politicians is important, but Prop. 50 isn't the way to do it April 20, 2016, 5:00 a.m. Proposition 50, the sole measure on the June 7 ballot, grew out of an extremely bad year for the California Senate … It was 2014, and one veteran lawmaker — Sen. Roderick D. Wright (D-Inglewood) — had been convicted in January of voter fraud and perjury for lying to voters about living in his district. In February, authorities indicted Sen. Ronald S. Calderon (D-Montebello) on charges including tax fraud, accepting bribes and money laundering. Then in March, Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) was arrested on suspicion of soliciting bribes, arms-trafficking and racketeering. There was a strong sense [sic] that these legislators needed to be removed from their official lawmaking duties, either by suspending them until their cases were resolved or expelling them outright. In the end, the Senate voted to suspend all three, though many legislators were unhappy that Wright, Calderon and Yee would continue to draw a paycheck and receive benefits until leaving office or until their cases were resolved. Then-Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg explained at the time that the state Constitution doesn't allow members to suspend one another without pay. To mollify the critics, Steinberg persuaded his colleagues to propose a ballot measure that would explicitly authorize the Legislature to suspend members without pay on a two-thirds vote. The three problematic legislators are long gone from the Capitol, either resigned or termed out of office. Yee has since been convicted and sentenced to five years in prison. Calderon's case has not yet gone to trial, but he has been termed out of office. Yet the proposed constitutional amendment, Proposition 50, is still on the June ballot, like a hangover still lingering from that dark period. …
THE LA TIMES EDITORIAL goes on to say that Prop 50 is not a good way to solve the problem. Which may be true. And anything that the partisan Darrell Steinberg proposes has to be viewed with suspicion.
BUT THAT STILL LEAVES us with the apparent conclusion that whether Prop 50 passes or not, the “punishment” for taking a bribe is the same as before: the “legislator” can’t be involved in the legislation that he was bribed for, for a year! A whole year! After a year, Senator, go ahead and do whatever you were bribed to do.
NOT exactly a great way to prevent corruption in Sacramento, Prop 50 or not.
FURTHER INVESTIGATION of the June ballot reveals an odd roster of candidates indeed. Candidates for Senate to replace Barbara Boxer:
Pamela Elizondo. Green. (No ballot statement). (Ms. E is a perennial recreational candidate who lives in Laytonville.)
Dr. Akinyemi Olabode Agbede, Democrat. He wants to “Rescue America!!!” … People in Washington has [sic] collapsed this country.” … “electing Dr. Akinyemi Agbede as your next united States senator representing the golden state of California 2016 is the answer in order for our country to be reclaimed back.” Sounds like English is not Dr. Agbede’s first language.
Jerry Laws, Republican. “Constitutionalist. Americanism.” That’s it. Vote for Jerry.
Loretta Sanchez, Democrat. Ms. Sanchez has been around a while and has been a pretty good congresswoman. Her ballot statement is well written and says some good things.
Duf Sundheim, Republican. “I promise to be different.” And, “I solve problems for a living.” Duf mentions governor Schwarzennegger who, Duf insists, “got stuff done.” (Not true. Schwarzenegger proposed several good government reform measures which went exactly nowhere.) There’s more standard Repub verbiage from Duf that go over big at Rotary but are otherwise laughable.
Ling Ling Shi, No Party Preference. “Run for God’s Heart and America’s Freedom, challenge 10 giant chaos in economy and economy-related sectors.” She reminds us of the 12 Galaxies guy we see walking around San Francisco with unintelligible messages on a large placard.
Paul Merritt, No Party Preference. Mr. Merritt’s ballot statement drifts from first person to third and back while endorsing the Trump Border fence, opposing off-shore drilling and supporting desert protection. “Merritt [himself] adheres [sic] that President Reagan’s idea on small government is best.” Merritt [himself] has two law degrees, is a broker, a hotel owner, an elected city councilperson, a member of homeowner boards in Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Orange County and is a “life member Nature Conservancy.” “Merritt is independent for all citizens. Paul Merritt is a Californian!” In spite of all that he still releases an official ballot statement that says “Merritt adheres that President Reagan…”
Massie Munroe, Democrat and candidate of the Tin Foil Hat battalions. Ms. Munroe proposes “the new ‘Energy Technology Era’ [that] will saturate US job markets for the next 500 years.” Ms. Munroe wants to end “mind control slavery” and “non-consensual human experimentation” as well as hunger, homelessness and violence by “practicing Christ consciousness…” “I identified ‘mind control slavery’ by satellite energy technology weapons and social engineering programs that have been in continual development for the past 50 years and facilitated their ‘declassification.’ As a result I came under heavy sanctions that are ongoing. I request you, the voter, to rise above all untrue accusations that assail my good character and heart. See my evidence and review my service. Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidency is crucial for bringing this into reality.”
Tim Gildersleeve, No Party Preference. “I am a follower of Jesus Christ.” Mr. Gildersleeve also “stands for the poor, elderly and disabled, environmental issues, unions, small business, and represent the average citizen.” Which is a lot more forward-looking than what we usually hear from the Christers.
President Cristina Grappo, Democrat. Apparently “President” is her actual first name. Which could be a problem if she’s elected: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Senator President Grappo!” Ms. Grappo “holds a Democratic Party platform with key issues for gun control, human trafficking, balancing the national deficit, and foreign policy initiatives. I am a mainstream Facebook in social media! My core values drive America!” (Not quite over the cliff yet, but close.)
Don J. Grundman, No Party Preference. “Fight-the-power.org.”
Herbert G. Peters, Democrat. “Andrew Jackson Democrat.” Whatever that means in the 21st century context. The old boy was a great democrat but believed in slavery and killing Indians. Among other things, Mr. Peters wants to “repeal welfare and minimum wage so all can find jobs. Churches and Charities help needful.”
Tom Palzer, Republican. A cookie-cutter “Life-at-Conception” Republican, which reminds us of the old joke: Why are American men always present at the births of their children? Because they aren't present at conception. Or the other old joke: Q: When does life begin? A: In a man’s scrotum after two beers.
Greg Conlon, Republican. Business consultant. Attorney. CPA. Former USAF pilot. Eagle Scout! And, most damning: “Former Commissioner and President of the California Public Utilities Commission.” He wants to put a hiring freeze on the federal government, deport anybody with an expired visa, and “reduce the income tax rate on large businesses…”
Karen Roseberry, Republican. “S.A.V.E. the future!”
Von Hougo, Republican. Mr. Hougo says he’ll set up a high-tech voter polling system that will direct all his votes on all issues. Although a “Republican,” he insists he’ll do whatever his polling tells him to do.
Jason Hanania, No Party Preference. Mr. Hanania’s entire ballot statement is: “01100101.” Which is binary code for 101 decimal. Maybe he’s for widening Highway 101. Maybe he loves Al Gore’s Internet Superhighway. Or maybe he’s a cyborg. We have no idea. On his website he says he’s “the first e-voting candidate.” (Then we looked it up: 01100101 stands for the letter ‘e’ in binary code. He’s an attorney… For the full explanation — he’s got a legit point — go to:
Kamala Harris, Democrat. We're voting for her. Why? She's smart and we met her once; she actually paused to talk with us but, just when were about to ask for a hug, she sprinted for the exits.
Mike Beitiks, No Party Preference. Mr. Beitiks is a one-issue guy: Climate Change. “I swear on the graves of future Californians that I will not sacrifice our actual climate to our political climate.”
Jason Kraus, No Party Preference. “We must remove all forms of income tax which will increase employment.” … “I am an American, just like you.” Doubt that. We think the rich ought to be taxed to the max.
Don Krampe, Republican. Former Marine from the Korean War. Insists that the “two party system is dysfunctional.” Very patriotic guy, obviously, and just as obviously the correct kind of guy, being a Marine who fought in Korea, some of the toughest fighting anywhere, ever.
OVERALL, a goofy bunch of mostly barely literate nuts, but then this is the country that elected GW Bush and Reagan so we can't be too judgmental, can we?
Hair-Raising Influence Peddlers
![Marc Aprea](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MarcAprea.jpeg?resize=175%2C219&ssl=1)
Talking about MRC's political fixers yesterday, in addition to all this "Campaign Finance" spending they do, there is another category called "Lobbying Activity." By scratching around in the Secretary of State's website called Cal-Access (cal-access.sos.ca.gov) we get a little window into this shadow government.
For instance, since 2010 MRC/HRC has shoveled almost $900,000 into lobbying Sacramento. In addition to consistently pumping dollars into organizations like the California Forestry Association, the lion's share of these dollars went to an outfit called Aprea & Micheli. These are the guys that rub up against legislators and make sure that billionaires like the Fishers get their way. For example: during the fourth quarter of 2015, Aprea & Micheli worked on influencing the following bills and agencies on behalf of MRC/HRC:
![Chris Micheli](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ChrisMicheli.jpeg?resize=175%2C219&ssl=1)
"Governor's Office, Legislature, Natural Resources Agency, Department of Finance, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Conservation, Department of General Services, CalFire, Board of Forestry re: AB 243, 417, 429, 498, 590, 824, 1345, 1506 and SB 162, 165, 168, 288"
This kind of mucking about goes on all the time. It's relentless.
If you go to this firm's website (apreamicheli.com), they have a section called "Success" where they boast about a couple things they've done for MRC/HRC:
"Forestry Reform: Aprea & Micheli and their client, Humboldt Redwood Company, were key players in the passage of AB 1492 in 2012, a critical budget trailer bill that represented one of the most significant forestry industry bills in several decades. It also required a super-majority vote for passage through both houses of the Legislature."
![Michael Daft](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MichaelDaft.jpeg?resize=175%2C219&ssl=1)
"Taxation: In 2009, the Humboldt Redwood Company discovered that the California Legislature had in 2008 retroactively eliminated the net operating loss deduction, thereby undermining the economics of the purchase of the Pacific Lumber Company. Aprea & Micheli developed and successfully implemented a strategy to gain the enactment of a statutory change within the 2010-11 state budget to restore the multi million dollar net operating loss deduction for HRC."
When I was line cook at a resort in Wyoming, we had a yooouge wedding on one side — 50+ New York steaks grilled to order, and in the ballroom, the Cattleman’s Association for their annual Prime Rib Dinner … only ’bout 35 tables, two and four-tops, and they all wanted to eat at once. Three prime ribs went into the ovens, and the new chef, just out of school from Honolulu, ordered me and the crew to serve ’em all medium rare. Me & some of the boys wagged our heads in dissent, and one fellow went up to the new chef and said something like, “Dude, people who raise and slaughter beef for a living don’t always like their mashed potatoes swimming in blood.”
He (we) were told to shut the fuck up and follow orders. We got the cattlemen’s prime rib out first, then went to work on the steaks for the wedding party, and were doing pretty good, until about 80% of the prime ribs came back asking for medium-well and well-done. The grills and griddles were all full of New York Steaks, however, and as we bobbed and weaved, as they say when you’re in the weeds, we did just like you very well know, by setting the pots of au jus to boil and shoving the 16 oz. prime ribs into the boiling broth with a pair of tongs — so, no, no crispy crust — which most cattlemen’s wives prefer, and the flavorful fats — not the macho Knock-’em-on-the-head-&-etc. — so we had to boil all that grade A choice meat until it resembled mush — and most of it came back w/ only a bite or two taken.
Also, the influx of the prime ribs underdone, and the necessary jettisoning of the potatoes and blood-soaked veggies and bread took such a toll on the line cooks, that many of the New York steaks were delayed, some to the point of being inedible.
Never seen a worse fiasco in a commercial kitchen.
If you want prime rib, or New York steak this side of Wyoming, listen up:
Go to The Buckhorn, downtown Boonville.
(— Bruce McEwen)
VALERIE HANELT of Yorkville Writes: You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Yorkville History Group. Or I know you might be interested. Please pass on to anyone else who would enjoy this event. Also, you might want to call some of your friends who don’t have email who are especially interested in Valley history.
MARILYN HIATT, daughter of George Washington Hiatt, who grew up in the Mountain House during the 1930’s and 1940’s, will be our very special guest. She is coming to speak about the history of the area and, in particular, living at Mountain House with her family. The current tenants of her childhood home, Dale and Noel Byrne, have generously invited us to visit the home and grounds.
JOHN ALDEN, the owner of Mountain House Estates, has organized this event and we are going to be able to tour the wedding and event center that he and Lane have been working on for several years. John grew up spending a great deal of time on his grandfather CL Nielson’s Y Ranch on Fish Rock Road, which he now owns with his brother. So he is a Yorkville High Roller from way back.
WE WILL START our event at Mountain House Estates at 38000 Hwy 128 on Saturday, June 18, at 2 pm. Marilyn will give a presentation about the history of the area. John has enlarged photos which will help to understand the layout of the area, as many of the buildings are now gone. We can carpool to Mountain House (or walk) as the parking is limited at Mountain House.
PLEASE RSVP to John Alden at john@mountainhouseestate.com.
You are welcome to bring along others who would be interested in the history of this part of our Valley.
Please bring a plate of finger foods — savory or sweet. Napkins, plates, and punch will be provided. There will also be books to buy from the AV Historical Society that feature Mountain House area and Yorkville.
WE HAD ORIGINALLY planned to offer this event this fall but there were scheduling difficulties. Hope you can make this with only five weeks notice!
CATCH OF THE DAY, May 11, 2016
![Cost, Couthren, Isenhart](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Bkg10a.jpg?resize=478%2C239&ssl=1)
JOSEPH COST, Santa Rosa/Ukiah. Probation revocation.
STEVE COUTHREN, Ukiah. Drunk in public, parole violation.
BENJAMIN HARPE, Ukiah. Drunk in public. (Photo not available)
JIMMIE ISENHART JR., Ukiah. Drunk in public.
![Lane, Modder, Oothoudt, Payan](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Bkg10b.jpg?resize=478%2C185&ssl=1)
DAVID LANE, Antelope/Ukiah. Failure to appear.
JASON MODDER, Fort Bragg. Probation revocation.
CLAYTON OOTHOUDT, Nice. Under influence.
ANASTACIO PAYAN, Covelo. Attempted murder, assault with deadly weapon not a gun, criminal threats.
![Pierce, Sanders, Shermantin](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Bkg10c.jpg?resize=478%2C239&ssl=1)
JULLIAN PIERCE, Redwood City/Ukiah. Controlled substance.
THOMAS SANDERS, Willits. Drunk in public, probation revocation, (Frequent flyer.)
ROBERT SHERMANTINE, San Francisco/Ukiah. Grand theft of vehicle parts.
![Vonbargen, Wiles, Williams](https://i0.wp.com/www.theava.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Bkg10d.jpg?resize=478%2C239&ssl=1)
ERIN VONBARGEN, Fort Bragg. Domestic assault.
MICHAEL WILES, Ukiah. First degree robbery of inhabited dwelling.
THOMAS WILLIAMS, Redwood Valley. Vehicle theft by extortion &c, failure to appear.
ELIZABETH DREW WROTE, "It would be helpful if there were another word for 'infrastructure.'" (AVA May 4, filler quote, page 7.)
Fred Gardner Replies: The old term was "public works."
To deal with sometimes extreme shortages, the British Ministry of Food instituted a system of rationing. To buy most rationed items, each person had to register at chosen shops, and was provided with a ration book containing coupons. The shopkeeper was provided with enough food for registered customers. Purchasers had to take ration books with them when shopping, so the relevant coupon or coupons could be cancelled.
Standard rationing in 1945 per week (unless otherwise stated):
Bacon and Ham 4 oz (113 g)
Sugar 8 oz (227 g)
Loose Tea 2 oz (57 g)
Meat 1 lb 3 oz
Cheese 2 oz (57 g)
Vegetarians were allowed an extra 3 oz (85 g) cheese
Preserves 1 lb (0.45 kg) per month marmalade 2 lb (0.91 kg) marmalade or 1 lb (0.45 kg) preserve or 1 lb (0.45 kg) sugar
Butter 2 oz (57 g)
Margarine 4 oz (113 g)
Lard 2 oz (57 g)
Sweets 12 oz (340 g) per month
Eggs were rationed and “allocated to ordinary consumers as available”; in 1944 thirty allocations of one egg each were made. Children and some invalids were allowed three a week; expectant mothers two on each allocation.
The results gave the government confidence that if necessary food could be distributed equally to all, without causing widespread health problems. Rationing improved the health of British people; infant mortality declined and life expectancy rose. This was because it ensured that everyone had access to a varied diet with enough vitamins.
Milk was supplied at 3 imp pt (1.7 l) each week with priority for expectant mothers and children under 5; 3.5 imp pt (2.0 l) for those under 18; children unable to attend school 5 imp pt (2.8 l), certain invalids up to 14 imp pt (8.0 l). Each consumer received one tin of milk powder (equivalent to 8 imperial pints or 4.5 litres) every eight weeks.
Restaurants were initially exempt from rationing, but this was resented, as people with more money could supplement their food rations by eating out frequently. The Ministry of Food in May 1942 issued new restrictions on restaurants.
Non-food rations
There were 66 points for clothing per year, in 1942 it was cut to 48 and in 1943 to 36, and in 1945 to 24. In 1945, an overcoat (wool and fully lined) 18 coupons; a man’s suit 26—29 (according to lining); men’s shoes 9, women’s shoes 7; woollen dress 11. Children aged 14—16 got 20 more coupons. Clothing rationing points could be used for wool, cotton and household textiles. People had extra points for work clothes, such as overalls for factory work. No points were required for second-hand clothing or fur coats, but their prices were fixed. Before rationing lace and frills were popular on knickers but these were soon banned so that material could be saved. From March to May 1942 austerity measures were introduced which restricted the number of buttons, pockets and pleats (among other things) on clothes.
Clothes rationing ended on 15 March 1949.
VOTING FOR V is a Vote for Fire Prevention
Killing tan oaks may make it easier for timber companies to extract more valuable trees but is that reason enough to continue the practice of using the herbicide imazapyr during a time of drought?
It is not only tan oaks that are killed by this herbicide. Imazapyr is used to control many deciduous trees including madrone. It is absorbed rapidly and accumulates in the meristem or active growth region of the plant. Imazapyr is an ingredient of Roundup Ground Clear. A related herbicide called imazapic is an ingredient in Roundup Extended Control. Both chemicals are non-selective, long-lasting, and very effective. They are, however, water-soluble, and depending on soil type and moisture they can move into other parts of the landscape. Some desirable landscape plants including ash, linden, and cherry trees are especially sensitive to them and can be damaged.
After years of herbicide use is a forest healthy enough to withstand sudden oak death, a disease that has killed millions of trees, including tan oaks, coast live oak, California bay laurels and many other forest species in coastal areas of central and northern California and Oregon? And what about the fauna and the rest of the interconnected ecology of the forest?
According to the research of David Rizzo, Professor of Plant Pathology at UC Davis, when sprayed tan oaks that are left standing are ablaze they carry flames high into tree canopies scorching the crowns of adjacent redwood trees. This compounded with the release of toxic fumes is a recipe for disaster. Measure V safeguards residents from this dangerous industrial practice and will require all timber companies to “leave no dead standing trees.”
Let’s hold the feet of all timber companies to the fire and insist on safe forest practices before an irreversible catastrophic fire happens.
Vote Yes on V.
Jenny Burnstad, Boonville
open studio May 21, 28, 29
new paintings about traveling light, puzzles, pieces and reflections on the grand plan.
hope to see you,
Re: Leonard Gotshalk
If you happened to see the USA Today story today - maybe in other newsprint sources - on the great “Panama Papers” caper, the former NFL player Leonard Gotshalk of Oregon, who was mentioned as having been under SEC investigation for securities fraud, is the same Leonard Gotshalk from Lakeport I mentioned in that piece you ran about the 1966-67 Panther varsity basketball team. Len’s NFL career only lasted a few years and he then became a fairly successful cattle rancher and real estate investor in Lake County. Unfortunately, he had several run-ins with the law on such mundane things as real estate fraud, forgery, money conversion (a civil word for theft), etc. Seems like he did some time, at the least got stuck with some fines and restitution orders, and then wound up in Oregon, where as I recall he got himself into the same kind of jam. Anyway, it just caught my eye while I was glancing at the front page of the paper this morning at the grocery store and thought I’d pass it along. As for the best AV teams, not having seen a high school game since March 2003, my assessment of this year’s squad was obviously based only on what I read in the AVA! Richie was one I’d forgotten about on the pure shooter’s list - the Boonville Bomber. Waiting for the W’s to close out Portland tomorrow night…
* * *
Leonard Gotshalk, a former NFL football player with ties to Southern Oregon, also appears in the Panama Papers. Like Wiederhorn, Gotschalk has a checkered legal history. He was indicted in May 2010 on charges he participated "in a scheme that used kickbacks and other tactics to inflate the prices of tech-company stocks," according to a report from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.
That same month, the new database shows, Gotschalk created a British Virgin Islands shell company called Irishmyst Consultants Limited. Records indicate Mossack Fonseca recorded a $3,055 wire transfer from Gotshalk at the time.
* * *
by Alan Gomez
The journalism organization behind the Panama Papers made available to the public for the first time Monday a massive database covering more than 360,000 people and companies that have used off-shore accounts to hide assets, including 36 Americans accused of fraud and other financial crimes.
The International Consortium of Journalists, which has managed the investigation and initial release of the Panama Papers in early April, highlighted the cases of several in the United States but did not provide details on all the American cases.
Leonard Gotshalk, a former offensive tackle for the Atlanta Falcons who now lives in Oregon, was already being scrutinized by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2010 when federal prosecutors in Philadelphia unsealed an indictment against him in a scheme that used kickbacks to inflate the price of technology stocks, according to the consortium.
Three days after that indictment, the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca accepted a $3,055 wire transfer from Gotshalk to open a company in the British Virgin Islands. That example, according to the consortium, shows how Mossack Fonseca did not properly vet its clients and allowed unscrupulous people and corporations from around the world to open off-shore accounts to hide their assets.
Gotshalk could not be reached immediately by USA TODAY. The consortium said his lawyer refused a request for comment. Gotshalk's case was part of a limited, public release of leaked, internal records from Mossack Fonseca that have already led to the downfall of world leaders and several financiers.
The consortium did not release all 11.5 million documents. Instead, it conducted a "careful release" of documents that shields personal information of the people named, including bank account numbers, passport information, email addresses and telephone numbers.
Until now, all the information from the Panama Papers was held by the consortium and more than 100 media organizations in over 80 countries working together on the project. Journalists at those publications have been publishing stories about the contents of the papers, but had not made the source material public. Monday's release included a searchable database that showed ties between people and companies opened by Mossack Fonseca, but did not include the actual documents.
That set off a frantic dive into the online database by politicians, business leaders, law enforcement officials and reporters to see if any new names are exposed.
Off-shore accounts that are frequently used by the rich and powerful around the world to avoid public scrutiny. Creating off-shore accounts is legal, but they can be used to avoid taxes and hide criminal activity. Laws in Panama and elsewhere require agents that create the off-shore companies, such as Mossack Fonseca, to ensure that their clients are not engaged in criminal activity.
In a disclaimer on its website, the consortium warned that simply being named in the Panama Papers does not "intend or suggest" that the person has broken a law or acted improperly. The statement said there are "legitimate uses" for off-shore accounts and urged people using its newly-released database to confirm the identity of people listed there.
The source of the leak is an anonymous person known only as "John Doe." He obtained internal documents from Mossack Fonseca and provided them to Germany's Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.
He wrote in the newspaper last week that thousands of prosecutions could come from a full release of the papers. "They should all be prosecuted accordingly with no special treatment," the source wrote.
The articles published by the consortium and its partner organizations, have already led to the resignation of Iceland Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, forced British Prime Minister David Cameron to admit that he profited from his late father's offshore investment, and led to the ouster of top bankers in Austria and the Netherlands.
(Courtesy, USA Today)
Public Hearing Announcement
Mendocino Unified School District
Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on: June 2, 2016, 4:00 p.m.
Mendocino K-8 School — Library
44261 Little Lake Rd Mendocino, CA 95460
This hearing will be held prior to adoption on 6/16/16, and in regards to the LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan) and the MUSD Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17
The LCAP and Budget can be viewed online at www.mendocinousd.org under the Navigation Menu under “Local Control and Accountability Plan” or at the District Office at 44141 Little Lake Road in Mendocino beginning on May 30, 2016.
Mendocino Theater Company
Written by Sarah Treem Directed by Lorry Lepaule
A review by Marylyn Motherbear
For me, 1972 was the first year of a Back-to-the-Land trip on an unincorporated piece of land in the medium-high hills of the coastal mountain range. From the vantage point of the psychedelic revolution that preceded the migration to the land, it was the “high” hills. That revolution took place on the inner plane and was, for the most part, an experience of non-violence and raised consciousness. We were making the world the way we wanted it, by creating a new base. Raw land. A neo-pioneering, pastoral setting in which we would do things in a basic earth-bound manner.
The play takes place in 1972, in a back-on-the-land scenario, on an island, off the coast of Washington State. Go west. As far as you can and then some. Swim in the shifting currents of consciousness. Those whose greatest need was to escape from the existing culture either because of ideology or a personal dilemma, will fan the tides that take you there.
Agnes, a mother who runs an shelter for abused women, serves those in need with an iron-clad and definitive will. She is strong and consistent, keeping her reasons for being who she is, securely unsaid until the last lines of dialogue. Played by Catey Simonton.
Penny, a teen who is going through a shift, as most teens do, and is unhappy with the status quo, with the form that love assumes. In the throes of adolescence, she questions whether or not it’s okay, nee desirable, to be smart and confident rather than dumb and sassy. Played by Frances Jenks.
Mary Anne, arrives out of a dark night of the soul, her face cut and bruised from spousal abuse. She is scared and in love with power, … romantic and wants to be held in the arms of family. Played by Nicole Traber.
Paul, the singular man on stage, arrives in the midst of a separation or divorce. Escaping San Francisco in the heyday, he carries the values of an era past. He is cool, indifferent and kind. A simple man with simple needs. Played by Dan Mello.
Hannah, spokesperson for a new world, shows up with a new lexicon. — Feminism. Lesbianism. Do-it-yourself freedom. Played by Savannah Green.
In the meantime, here in the off-stage world, we celebrate Mother’s Day. While reflecting thus, it occurs to me that no matter the spoken themes of the play — abuse, abortion, trauma, the subtle subject matter, in every case, revolves somewhat around motherhood. I’d like to tell you how, but do not wish to spoil. I can tell you that each of the characters is somewhat engaged, if not driven, by their unspoken relationship to mothering and to having children.
The real-time content is spoken to within rather than to other, chin tilted down, almost whispered, to the actor’s chest, as if the listener and the heart of the matter resides somewhere inside. I missed some of the words as they dropped away into the interior space that is held inviolably within the self.
This play is ostensibly about women’s issues, leaving men in the quandary of confusing circumstances and disempowering addictions. The age-old questions are present, but in the somewhat shredded threads of what has always been, in the question of what is love and what are its bindings, in the question of how the experience is passed on to our youth as they struggle for a freedom that their mothers never had.
These hard questions and shifting times are never easy. There is some humor afforded even as we struggle with difficult issues. The cast does well, each one brings the character forward for us for us to make our own reflection. Thank goodness for freedom-loving do-it-yourself Hannah Savannah. She brings a much needed light and lightness to the goings-on. We know, for certain, if we do not do it for ourselves, it may not happen at all. You don’t have to be young, just unafraid.
"When We Were Young and Unafraid" continues through May 29.
(For tix, call Mendocino Theater Company (707) 937-4477.)
Pacific Ocean near Moat Creek Beach, Point Arena,
DATE: "May 10, 2016"
Date of Incident: 05-09-16
Time: Approximately 9:20 AM
Victim(s): David Tan Le, 57 year old male from Oakland.
On Monday, 05-09-16, at about 8:00 AM, a 57 year old man from Oakland, Ca, and several of his friends and family went into the Pacific Ocean near Moat Creek Beach, Point Arena, in search of abalone. The missing person was diving nearby and did not surface. As the group searched for him, 911 was called. Members of the Redwood Coast Volunteer Fire Department were dispatched, Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies and Mendocino County Sheriff's Office Search and Rescue volunteers also responded, and the United States Coast Guard dispatched a helicopter. The diver was not located and by the time search divers had arrived the ocean had become too rough. The searchers continued to search along the beaches until the evening without locating the diver. Mendocino County Search and Rescue volunteer divers plan to dive the area at daybreak on 05-10-16, weather permitting.
*UPDATE* 05-10-16 Mendocino County Sheriff Volunteer Search and Rescue members resumed the search this morning, assisted by maritime wardens of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). In addition to SCUBA divers, searchers examined the area from the bluffs with binoculars, and a DFW vessel assisted in the efforts. The missing person, David Tan Le, was not located before the search was suspended due to hazardous sea conditions.
The search will resume on 05.11.16.
You will not find a happier dog than Sampson. This little guy is energetic, playful, and a joy to be around. Even with his E-collar (recently neutered), he was the happiest pup during his photo shoot! PLUS, this little lovebug already knows "sit" and is smart and eager to learn more commands. Puppies are so appealing, but they take a lot of work, so be sure you have enough time to devote to helping a puppy become a GOOD DOG! Come and meet this guy at the Mendocino County Animal Care Services Shelter in Ukiah--298 Plant Road. Call the shelter for information on Sampson at 707-467-6453. For information on all the dogs and cats at the shelter: www.mendoanimalshelter.com.
Hey, Norm… my (shushh!) went to Panama and all I got was this lousy football jersey!!
Mikey Daft? Is this a character from Game of Thrones?
Bad news about Danny Kuny, I’ve known him for 40 years, Danny and his dad, Fritz, were the choppers on one of my Dad’s (John Woolley) logging jobs in the mid 70’s, 1977 in fact, I was living in Willits at the time. He truly knew what he was doing, I can’t believe he messed up. This really upsets me.
On Line Lesson of the Day: We also had rationing in the U. S. during WW 11. I remember how my mother waited for my brother and I to reach 12 years old when we would be eligible for coffee which was rationed. My mother and her sister could drink a pot of coffee while talking about I don’t what. Gasoline was rationed and depending on your occupation and needs you got an A or B or C card which went in your car window. A lot of other stuff was rationed and you got a ration card. None for my father who was the Navy and his ship was in the Pacific. Didn’t see him for 3 years. He told he went over a year without leaving the ship.
I have vague memories of me dear old mum collecting bacon grease, and telling me it was used to make bullets “to kill the Germans.”
…I know it might seem trivial given the current state of political, financial, social and environmental collapse, but there are few American perversions of a foreign phrase that irk me more than “Please RSVP”
RSVP: “repondez s’il vous plait,” means precisely “please reply.”
“Please, please reply” has a note of importunity and urgency that makes me wonder what the poor devils might do if no one rsvp’s.
English speakers owe a debt to French for some lovely phrases, but this increasingly common oxymoron needs to be nipped in the bud…ASAP!
RSVP = Food will be served, could be appetizers, they need a heads up for a budget, know how much chicken liver and crackers to buy.
RE: “being charged per child”
RSVP usually means food and beverages and the hosts who sent the invitation need a head count.
I hope AJ and Pat find a great place to go next year and have a wonderful time. Rejection sucks when it hurts vunerable people, like hosts and their loved ones.
I have no problem with the acronym itself, simply with the doltish way in which many are using it.
I still think the debasement needs to be ended…as soon as ASAP!
Wishing Mr. Kuny a speedy recovery.
RE: Peter Litt’s comments regarding conflict of interest above.
This means, for instance, in Point Arena’s small City Council… that if a City Council member votes on changes in policy and then profits from the results of that vote within one year of that vote, he or she is in conflict of interest.
Examples of that might be:
1) City Mayor and mega pot grower, Jim Koogle voted on approval of the recent opening and ordinances for the new marijuana dispensary in Point Arena at the bottom of the hill on Main Street. That means that for one year after the voting of the “law” – in this case, an ordinance he, nor any other Council member, cannot for one year, before or after the vote, on making a profit off his vote by selling his marijuana to any dispensary in Point Arena – conflict of interest.
2) Former City Councilwoman Heatherstone-Szantos, was forced to resign her position on Council for knowingly breaching her oath of office. Env. Health caught her in a lie regarding where they supposedly “lived”, which is not supposed to be their current uninhabitable building behind 125 Main Street. Heatherstone-Szantos with Council had looked at trying to rezone the commercial space into a live-work space instead, where the new dispensary now is. Rezoning the site into a live-work space where she and her partner could move, instead of living across the street in their uninhabitable building where they have illegally “lived” and composted their human waste on the creek banks since 2010.
However, the old ATT office did not fly as a live-work space, and the zoning did not go through, even though Heatherstone supposedly provided the Dept. of Env. Health with a bogus rental agreement to the other address across the street, knowingly lying to authorities, trying to provide a ‘legal’ living address (that means, one with a shitter and water. If Heatherstone-Szantos had voted on the re-zoning of the old ATT office into a live-work space, then rented it for herself, there would then be a conflict of interest.
3) Way long ago, while in office, Mayor Dahlhoff sold her corner lot at the corner of Main and Mill to the local medical center. The Mayor voted on the outcome of the use for the property within 11 months of the sale of her property (as in the proposed building of the doomed “mental-dental” building, which turned out to ultimately just be the new dental building, when locals decided they did not also want a methadone clinic in town!). Because Mayor Dahlhoff did not wait one entire year after the sale of the property to then vote on the outcome of the USE for the property, she was then found in conflict of interest by County Counsel.
Elected officials cannot make money off property or deals, then vote on the outcome of its USE within one year of sale of said property. Conflict of interest, as in favor for favor.