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Posts published in April 2016

The Stony Lonesome: Money Ball

On the violence spectrum — being a propensity for, attraction to, or likelihood of erupting in same — 0 being Gandhi-like peacefulness and 6 being raging,…

The Elephant Cometh

The elephant’s not even in the room, which is why the 2016 election campaign is such a soap opera. The elephant outside the room is…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Apr 20, 2016

NY Primary;
Children's Future;
Mateo No-hitter;
Measure U;
Ukiah Branding;
Ocean Tragedy;
Growing Pains;
Timmy Trouble;
Shelter Website;
Arizona Uniforms;
Shelter Sniping;
Yesterday's Catch;
Lover Boy;
Independent Voters;
Obamacare Racket;
Biden Miracle;
Rigged System;
Refugee Forum;
COASST Training;
PA Dispensary

Who Funds Mendo Politics?

The people who fund American politics are already breaking spending records in the 2016 election season, collectively pouring billions of dollars into national, state, and…

Nye Ranch Farm Stand

Mendocino Coast community, come visit the Farm Stand at the Nye Ranch, 2 miles north of Fort Bragg on Highway 1. My partner and I have…

Off the Record (Apr 20, 2016)

WHAT'S with that hysterical report on KMUD about a "cleansing" of Fort Bragg's homeless? FB's Measure U would do no such thing. It simply restricts…

Valley People (Apr 20, 2016)

CALEB DAIN SILVER, 25, has been arrested in Southern California and extradited to Mendocino County where he is the primary suspect in the murder of…
