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Posts published in April 2016

Strange Bedfellows

Charles Dudley Warner, the nineteenth-century American writer and Mark Twain’s pal, coined two memorable quips: “Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about…

Caspar UkeFest

[Apr 30] The Fifth Annual Caspar UkeFest, celebrating the ukulele as a friendly and playful instrument, will wrap up a full day of workshops and…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Apr 21, 2016

Wet Forecast;
Boardman's Killer;
Desperate Roommates;
Steely Critical;
Mendo Faults;
Forest Practices;
Friendliest Librarian;
Mark Terry;
25 Plants;
Shelter Reply;
KZYX Stealth;
Pioneer Stoners;
Weed Day;
Charter Chat;
Charter Process;
Allman Recognized;
August 1973;
Inside Jobbers;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tubman $20;
Lessons Learned;
Sanders Campaign;
Schilling Fired

City Held Hostage By Terrorists

The Fort Bragg City Council meeting was held at Town Hall beginning at 6:00 on Monday April 11, 2016. First on the agenda were the…

The Aftermath Of Glory

Approaching the eighth decade of his life, former pro football player, Will Smith, fits seamlessly into the serene rustic atmosphere of a Mendocino lifestyle. Tall…

The Scottish Play

On April 20, 1611 Shakespeare's Scottish play was first performed in London's Globe Theater. Of course, we are not referring to the lead character by name because of the curse placed on Shakespeare and company 405 years ago when they stole a cauldron from an actual coven to enact the three witches scene. The real witches retaliated by placing an everlasting curse on the play and the utterance of its title.
