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Posts published in March 2016

Non-profit Boards & Non-voting Directors

Under the moniker, “Just in From Fort Bragg,” last week's AVA carried a submission that in its very first sentence asked readers to grasp, without…

King Lear Puppet Show

[Apr 10] The Independent Eye Theatre Ensemble’s version of William Shakespeare’s King Lear. Played out within the confines of an aluminum cage, King Lear and…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016

Balanced Panthers;
Goldeneye Fire;
Flood Prediction;
Basketball Tourney;
Night Noise;
Hiker Found;
Roadside Assistance;
Election Results;
Water Releases;
Loser Tanoak;
Knife Fight;
Abortion Legality;
Easter Service;
Immunization Rates;
Clothes Swap;
Constipated Whale;
Peace Petition;
Yesterday's Catch;
Wild Cards;
American Charades;
Armiñana Interview;
Dignity Village;
Power Politics;
Idle Minds;
Challenging Authority;
Assemblage Art;
Broadband Bill;
Marco Radio;
DC Stehr;
Poetry Exhibition

Implementing the Kemper Report

The Supes Voted 3-2 Last Tuesday to implement the Kemper Report, over the objections of Supervisors McCowen and Hamburg. Our interpretation of the Supes’ remarks…

Off the Record (Mar 9, 2016)

MENDOCINO COUNTY supervisors will of course ratify the latest shakedown of a local public agency by master shakedown artist, Jack Silver, and his bogus nonprofit called California River Watch. River Watch consists of a telephone and an unmanned office in West Sonoma County.

The Cans

Saving the earth through recycling is big business, judging by the number of can and bottle buyers set up in parking lots and empty corners…

Meeting ‘White-Market Needs’

More than 1,100 people jammed the Mateel Community Center Saturday, Feb. 20, for eight panels on hot cannabis topics: seed breeding; creating “louder” terpenes; establishing…
