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Posts published in February 2016

Supes Need To Lead, Not Dodge Responsibility

As we focus on the lessons revealed from the Kemper Report on the status of the county’s mental health program, one should not lose sight…

Letters (Feb 17, 2016)

Unless and until we return to the concept of one person-one vote we will continue to be corrupted by the 1%.

Who are the 1%? Not just the billionaires, not just the global corporations, but also the congressmen and congresswomen who have been bought by them.

Off the Record (Feb 17, 2016)

TIM STOEN, infamously, functioned as Jim Jones' legal fixit man at the late Peoples Temple, the only church in Christian history murdered, right down to…

The Finne Winery

The Finne Winery was built in the 1880’s and was probably the oldest winery at that time in Mendocino County. Louis and Margarette Finne came…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb 16, 2016

Kemper Illumination;
County CEOs;
Toby Smith;
Homeless Motel;
Springing Jones;
Street Lights;
Clean Hospitals;
Lester's Ouster;
Alexander Valley Resort;
Hiker Found;
River Views;
Repricing Reality;
Truthtelling Trump;
Hillary Hawk;
Dem Superdelegates;
Kennedy Assassination;
Crab Season;
Nino Gone;
Time Travel;
Comic Characters;
Film Festival;
Assemblage Art;
Philosophical Differences;
If I Only Had A...

HazMobile in Boonville

[Mar 26] The HazMobile household hazardous waste collection team will return to the Boonville fairgrounds parking lot from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday,…
