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Posts published in January 2016

Penn & El Chapo

I love Hollywood – the film industry. I really do. In rain or shine, good or bad times, it’s given me a living off and…

Worse Than 1860

The lost story-line amid the food-fights and boasting contests that the “debates” have turned into is the destruction being wreaked on the two major parties…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Jan 21, 2016

Pension Meeting;
Navarro Beach;
Water Whining;
Jani Retiring;
Big Wave;
LakeCo Mud;
Yesterday's Catch;
LakeCo Poverty;
Hateful Graffiti;
Senior Center;
Ocean Warming;
Herbicide Spraying;
Gardening Course;
Dear WSJ;
KZYX Changes;
Prerevolutionary Moment;
Mendo Vacancies

Shot Down In A Weed Patch

Alejandro Garcia, 33, was shot dead in a “medical” marijuana garden in Covelo last June 29th. A neighbor, John Henry Ross, 66, has been charged…

Kemper Mental Health Report Delayed Again

According to County CEO Carmel Angelo’s January 12, 2016 report: “In August the Executive Office contracted with Kemper Consulting to perform a review of Mendocino…

Monsieur Russell

My friend Mark Russell recently sent me a photograph taken fifty-four years ago at a pullout on the Tioga Road halfway between Yosemite Valley and…

The Stony Lonesome: Role Models

Oh, look! Wake Your Fat Ass Up! America is doing yet another segment about the unrealistic expectations of physical beauty propagated by the media and…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016

Season Total;
Mental Meeting;
Pension Problems;
Outage Survey;
No Secession;
Raskin Hassled;
Fan Case;
Wildfire Meeting;
Shelter Defense;
Righting Wrong;
Sutter Misconduct;
Yesterday's Catch;
Rethinking Bernie;
CEO Greed;
Repugnant Trump;
Edgewater Gallery;
Jobs Fair;
Student Benefit;
