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Posts published in December 2015
Several thousand miles from Paris, where global heads of state are deliberating on a new climate change treaty with the infamous terrorism backdrop looming, a crucial aspect of the global campaign to limit greenhouse gas…
Why would we build tiny houses to put the homeless in? This will likely encourage more homeless to come into our community, and we already have an over-abundance of them now. Do you really think they will take care of these tiny houses?
When I was six, having arrived mid-year in Mrs. Bushnell’s First Grade class at Las Lomitas Elementary, I won my first friends by telling them stories at recess, stories I made up. And there came a day when Mrs. Bushnell was desperate for a nap and asked us to put our heads down and nap with her, but Donny Dorset protested, “We’re not tired, Mrs. Bushnell. Couldn’t Todd tell us a story?”
SINCE WE LAST MET, CalFire's Boonville stalag reports that the first storm last week brought us a little more than one inch of rain, bringing the season total to 4.12 inches. The second rain fell…
What is surely an important yet too often ignored fact about life is death. So many of us put off much needed decision-making on this topic until it becomes a necessity, and at that point the ideal situations and resolutions for each for us may be difficult to come by. Here in the Valley we have a group of folks who are trying to help with this. Lauren Keating of Lauren’s Restaurant shared details of ongoing monthly meetings at her restaurant, at which many of the questions surrounding the complexities of later life are explored.
THE FOLLOWING PRESS RELEASE, which we will fast forward to spare you the agony of gov-prose, has to do with the County's retirement fund and should be read upside down. The last paragraph is the…