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Posts published in October 2015

Of Onyx & Guinea Pigs

1972. Santa Cruz. Never enough money. I was working days as a gardener, nights playing music. My girlfriend was a waitress and house cleaner. Rent was cheap but wages were negligible.

Outlaw Ford (II)

Continuing the mildly fictionalized saga of young Les Ford in Mendocino County a hundred ten years or so ago, here is a second excerpt from…

Panther Soccer (Oct 7, 2015)

The annual Alumni game took place last Wednesday evening when this year’s High School team faced players from several previous seasons in what is always…

Letters (Oct 7, 2015)

The fact that three people, none of whom live in Redwood Valley, can make a decision that affects everyone living here and changes the bucolic nature of our pastoral rural small town — against the wishes of its citrizens, is undemocratic, unjust and unfair.

Burning Debra

In the early morning chill of January 27th Debra Bower was rescued from her burning motor-home by a man on his way to work in…

Off the Record (Oct 7, 2015)

FORT BRAGG declared a Stage 3 water emergency last Friday. Stage 1 means bone dry, so there's a ways to go before Fort Bragg becomes…

Hackworth on Viet Nam

The special ops colonel discusses the Viet Cong, Mao and the arrogance of General Westmoreland.

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Oct 6, 2015

FB Restaurant Edict;
Water Emergency;
Ortner Money;
Graceful Farewell;
Tense Times;
Visiting Judges;
Free Associating;
Foreign Movies;
Chop-Chop Restaurant;
Oaky Joe;
Private Radio;
Stagnent Wages;
Yesterday's Catch;
Marijuana Initiative;
Pot Prosecutions;
American Credibility;
Dollar General;
Inmate Abuse;
Planning Commission;
Pushkin Sonnets;
FB Docs;
Teen Leadership;
Harvard Debate;
Caspar Fair

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct 5, 2015

Calfire's Valley Fire Report;
Dragonhead Murder Mystery;
Univision Anchor Story;
Cancer Treatments;
Catch of the Day;
Unwanted Football Tickets;
Modern Fascism;
Babe Ruth Stories;
Green Fields
