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Posts published in “Day: June 3, 2015

Letters (Jun 3, 2015)

There has been for many years talk, on and off, of bringing a water and or septic system to various parts of the Anderson Valley.

Billie Holiday, Before Her First Song

When Billie Holiday, whose real name was Eleonora, was born on April 7, 1915, her mother was 13 years old, and her father was still a kid in short pants who kicked cans down the street. It happened in Baltimore, a city then famous for its rats. Her mother split for New York where she scrubbed stairs; her father joined a jazz band and disappeared.

What’s Up at Coast Hospital?

Transparency has become a buzzword to serve the purposes of politicians or those who oppose them. In Fort Bragg, California, it is one of the…

Off the Record (Jun 3, 2015)

TUESDAY NIGHT'S MEETING of the Fort Bragg City Council featured a parade of speakers swearing allegiance to mayor Dave Turner and urging each other to…
