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Posts published in May 2015

Mendocino Talking: Herb Ruhs

My parents were both active duty World War II. My mom was a Marine when she conceived me. My dad was a Navy Corpsman. When I was little, my really nasty paternal grandmother told me that my mom had me in order to get out of the military. When my parents divorced, I went to live with my mother and her family in Chicago, which didn’t go well. My grandfather, Eddie Carr, had run a speakeasy and was a straight up mobster. I was told that “your grandpa, Eddie, is sleeping at the bottom of the Calumet canal with his friends.” That turned out not to be true… he had escaped to Pennsylvania and had lived and died under an assumed name.

Off the Record (May 20, 2015)

THIRD DISTRICT SUPERVISOR TOM WOODHOUSE is the latest in a long line of shallow-thinking Mendo officials to insist on “local control” of whatever pot legalization…

Valley People (May 20, 2015)

LORETTA HOUCK remains in serious but stable condition at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital after suffering a terrible injury to her head in an accident in…

Bird’s Eye View (May 20, 2015)

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I continue to be “unavoidably detained” and therefore this week’s column will…

Letters (May 20, 2015)

My first memory was living in a two-story house in Humboldt County in a town called Hydesville. I remember hearing the smacking sounds of my father hitting my mother and screaming at her as I hid behind the curtains of the living room window. I prayed to my grandma because I had no concept of God. When she was around my father did not hurt me or my mother.


I have my piano tuned once a year. I used to have the beauty tuned twice a year, but that was when a good tuning cost sixty dollars and I was making much more money than I make now.
