The foreign has long been my stomping ground, my sanctuary, as one who grew up a foreigner wherever I happened to be. Born to Indian parents in Oxford, England, I was seven when my parents…
Posts published in May 2015
The Weather Underground wasn’t as crazy as it seemed, though at the time it seemed anything but sane. On March 6, 1970, three members of a Weatherman cell or collective accidentally blew themselves up in…
This year, with five yearling apples trees and five apple trees we revived from near death when we bought this place three years ago, the biggest challenge to our trees is ants and the aphids those ants raise on the clover, so to speak, of the tender apple leaves just now emerging along with the onset of blossoms.
PLAYERS OF THE WEEK! Shauna Espinoza reports: "Our first two little leaguers went to their very first Giants game today, and now Thomas wants to be a baseball player when he grows up! What a great evening for them. A night they will never forget, I'm sure.
The thing I look most forward to reading each week when I receive my Advertiser — well, most weeks — okay, on the semi-rare occasions when the paper shows up — fine! Both times that…
Jim and friends were the local stalwarts of Iraq War protests, demonstrating every Friday from 5-6 pm in front of the courthouse on State Street in Ukiah. He was there the longest, from Fall of…
Re: Mary Massey's FCC Complaint About Mary Aigner's Having Allowed Some Swear Words To Reach The Air And Also Having A Double Standard. On one hand I don't like the idea of people complaining about…