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Posts published in October 2014

Panther Soccer (Oct 29, 2014)

With four games remaining in the regular season, if AV were to win the title then they would have to win all of these and…

Sequoia Explorers

August, 1875 — While my great-grandfather John Robertson was herding every sort of livestock from oxen to turkeys overland from Little Lake (Willits) to Mendocino…

Last Beans

Rained almost an inch today in Mendocino, October 23, 2014. Will we look back from drier times and say, “Remember when it rained almost a whole inch in one day?” Or are we in for years of deluge? Most weather scientists think we’re in for a multi-decade drought, but the globe has so many feedback loops, known and unknown, currently looping and feeding back in ways we barely understand that five years from now California could be getting a hundred inches of rain a year. Or no rain at all. Or a hundred inches one year and none the next.

Qat, Coffee & Qambus

One of the most widespread platitudes about music is that it is a universal language: thus the golden LP of the Voyager spacecraft launched in…

Bird’s Eye View (Oct 29, 2014)

After all the hullabaloo of the past few weeks regarding the trials and tribulations at the AV Health Center, I think we need a little “love” to be spread around the Valley so let’s start this with some appropriate Quotes of the Week.

Red-Riding Hood’s Mommy — A Wolf?

A lot of ghouls come through the Mendocino County Courthouse, scary characters who seem to gallop down from deep in the hills as the rest…

Letters (Oct 29, 2014)

Beware Mendoland! If ever you are caught up in the judicial system, the Superior Court of California, County of Mendocino for whatever your case may be you are appointed a public defender because you cannot afford a real lawyer. Just hope and pray you don't get appointed the "big wig of the Department," Linda Thompson. She is the head public defender.
