- AVHC Progress
- Game 7 Today
- Stornetta Found
- UC Kippur
- Candlestick Memory
- Bicycle Toll
- Detroit Waif
- S No
- Rotation
- Cryer's Response
- Ripped Van Winkle
- Baseball Appreciation
- Main Street
- Catch of the Day
- Prosecute Peevey
- Crazy Deal
- Prop 1 Money
GENE HERR REPORTS: Shannon Spiller is "no longer employed by the AVHC". David Gorchoff has resigned as medical officer. Mark Apfel is interim Medical Officer. Directors have interviewed every present employee, and most past employees in the past week in an attempt to get an accurate view of personnel management problems and staff concerns at the clinic.They are recruiting for a chief executive officer, a procedure which will require collaboration between directors, staff (all kinds), and community; ultimately a change in management will require a report to, and approval of candidate by HRSA (aka the feds). Work to recruit will start immediately. If you have ideas, skills, and want to help recruit talk to Kathy Cox or Ric Bonner. Work on reinstatement of former providers can start tomorrow. All have indicated a willingness to return.
Sandy Parker has resigned from the Board. If you are interested in serving on the Board, contact Ric Bonner or Kathy Cox, stating your interest and any pertinent experience which might be helpful in management of the clinic. They are looking for new directors and to create a file of interested potential directors. They are also looking for community members to serve on the committees of the Board.
None of the former "shared management team" (Diane Agee, Dave Turner, Lucrezia Renteria) have any connection with the center now. All of their access to accounts, and to the HRSA electronic site for management of grants, and to the HRSA project officer have been terminated.
Judy Waterman of Price Waterman accounting in Ukiah is retained as an independent contractor to handle financial management. The Finance Committee met with her today. Report will follow. Bonner stated two years ago financial condition was his primary concern. Now not as "tight", affordable care act means fewer patients on sliding scale, insurance paying more of bills.
Student Director Maxence Weyrich is working on data input for the new web site. It will take a few weeks before the old site is transferred to the new host.
In general it was a hopeful meeting. If you want to help, tell Bonner, Cox, or Heidi Knott who is coordinating formation of a concerned citizens group.
GIANTS SHUT OUT by rookie Yordano Ventura, as Royals convert early rally into runaway win of game six, sending the World Series to an exciting winner-take-all seventh game in Kansas City.
Giants veteran Tim Hudson will face the Royals veteran Jeremy Guthrie who held the Giants to just two runs in game two of the Series in Kansas City.
FRIENDS & FAMILY not giving up on missing Manchester man.
A READER WRITES: “You know, in all the discussion about Mendocino High School postponing Homecoming due to the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, I forgot to let you know that according to a student I know that the entire UC system started classes one week later for the same reason. (Quietly) How will they make up for it? Shortening the Christmas break by one week!”
"OCTOBER 28, 1989: A huge crowd at Candlestick Park paused last night to remember the dead and then went on to cheer baseball and the joy of being alive. “Once the game started,” said Maureen Marshall, a fan from Burlingame, “it was as if the earthquake never happened.” Marshall and nearly all of the 62,038 fans who saw the Oakland A’s defeat the Giants 13-7 at Candlestick in the third game of the World Series were there 10 days ago at 5:04 p.m., when disaster hit the Bay Area. They can never forget what happened then, but they will always remember last night, which in many ways marked the end of the agony of the earthquake and a new beginning. With the whole world watching on television, the crowd stood for a long moment of silence to commemorate those who died in last week’s quake; then it cheered and sang that corny old song “San Francisco,” which celebrates the rebirth of the city after the 1906 quake. The moment was both touching and slightly peculiar: The singing was led by the cast of “Beach Blanket Babylon,” conducted by a man in a Mr. Peanut costume. The crowd was singing and cheering for itself, for the city, for the Giants and for just being in Candlestick Park on a crisp autumn evening to watch the World Series." — Carol Nolte and Marc Sandalow, SF Chronicle
THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE DISTRICT is studying the possibility of charging pedestrians and cyclists to cross the bridge. Don't charge peds, I say, but ding cyclists to the max. Cyclists shouldn't even be allowed to bike across on the east side of the Golden Gate where almost all the bridge's pedestrians are shuffling obliviously to and fro, unaware of the lycra menace speeding around and through them. Bikes should be confined to the west side of the bridge, where there aren't many pedestrians.The lycra brigades typically go wayyyyyy too fast for conditions which, given the number of walkers, many of them children and the elderly, are like hurtling on a bike down a crowded sidewalk, which is illegal in San Francisco. But the bike people are an unrelenting, entitled-acting lobby for their two thousand dollar toys, and they're sure to whine long and loud about paying a fee to zip across the bridge, screaming at tourists to get out of their way as they go.
Dear AVA-
As I was making my way home from work today, I came across a couple of homeless people halfway wedged under a dripping wet concrete abutment between a surface street and a freeway off-ramp and if that was the extent of it, that would have been the end of it.
I was a mere 1/2 mile from home at that point and smack dab in the middle of a ‘mixing bowl’ junction of about 3 freeways that transect d’town Detroit… a spot richly endowed w/dozens of densely packed underpasses, overpasses, cement cubbyholes, and other similar shelter for dozens of the many hundreds of homeless people who reside near my home (stone’s throw near). One thing was I’d never seen a single homeless soul try to use this particular spot as a perch. Never in 10 years. O.K. Maybe they were ‘new’ to the area.
Other thing was… I slowed a bit and looked directly at what turned out to be a ‘couple'; young girl and older male, half-assed draped in damp blankets and staring directly at me from 15 feet away.

The girl was a drop-dead perfect ringer for the young woman described in the AVA over the last couple years from time-to-time. ( miss Audette … or something ??) No dog, though… but otherwise such a spectacular resemblance that I pulled over and ran up to see if they needed anything. I got about 5 feet away and as I leaned over a railing to ask… The girl’s countenance immediately shape shifted to what can only be described as a snarling glare… (no audible sound BUT…), a gruesomely theatrical and completely unfunny, non-ironic mask of hostility and exceptional disdain. Something wasn’t clicking. ANOTHER thing I’d never encountered before when speaking to any homeless persons.
SO, I wondered if you guys could remind me of what ‘your’ homeless waif’s first name is… so that I could at least shout from a polite distance, next chance I get.
Of course, it CAN’T be her, right? But, this one looks like the pic I saw regularly in ‘OFF the Record’. Same hair. Same face. Same disjunctive mix of kinda’ loosely scrubbed Judy Garland-esque pixy face and 85% attended to hair etc. Same miniature stature… same everything.
And so… it comes down to the fact that I figured I might be partially acquainted w/half of this couple. Long shot. And why the hell Detroit as a way point, a Californian might ask?
I dunno’. Except… a long time ago I ran away from home in Boston, Mass., journeyed thru Canada on the way to California and was so tired by the time I got to Windsor, Ontario that I decided I must be far enough West by then ( :) to chance passage thru the tunnel to Detroit. California hadda be close!!
Just saying, some destinations are unintended, if not fully providential… so hey… maybe the AVA’s most notorious waif is in my backyard.
As an AVA reader I am compelled to do something.
– John Joslin, Detroit
* * *
A little background info on Ms. Jacqueline Audet: https://www.theava.com/archives/24613
I am against fracking and do not want it to occur in our county. I am against Measure S because it will not preclude fracking. Instead it will not change the status quo and fracking could easily occur.
If S passes, it will be indefensible when a fracking permit is requested. The county will issue the permit or refuse to defend any court action asking that a permit be issued. County Counsel has already opined S to be unconstitutional. The proponents could intervene, but it would be hard to find a qualified lawyer licensed in California to represent them. The proponents may be required to post a bond and they and their attorney, if they were to find one, could be subject to court sanctions for trying to challenge well settled law. (Refer to the Lindzey interview.) A permit once issued would be difficult to revoke. Applicants would seek to have it “grandfathered” for future use. In the void created by the indefensibility of S, additional permit application could be sought. Once one is issued, a precedent is set.
I presume are most of petition signers and supporters of S are against fracking. That is the primary campaign propaganda. There is minimal discussion about community rights, the statement that the ordinance may never be scrutinized by a court, the fact that it violated the state constitutional limit of one issue per initiative measure. If there had been four initiatives proposed, I would have actively supported the one that solely addressed a fracking prohibition. We find those in the Santa Barbara and San Benito ordinances also on the Nov 4 ballot, and the Santa Cruz ordinance adopted by its Board of Supervisors.
Those of us who would like our county to adopt a defensible and enforceable fracking prohibition could and should organize and persuade the Board of Supervisors to adopt one. The people of the Third supervisorial district still have the opportunity to make it a meaningful issue in the Madrigal-Woodhouse race. Even without that regular and repeated speakers from all parts and political/social/economic sectors of the county could make a pointed and clear presentation during the public expression portion of every Board of Supervisors meeting. Not once, but at every meeting. This, and other efforts would well persuade the Board.
The Lafayette brief provides minimal insight into the problems raised by S.
Measure S is not focused on a fracking ban, but on an unconstitutional effort to nullify State and Federal law and thereby setting up a confrontation with State and Federal governments. No California lawyer has come forward to support S.
Again, I am opposed to fracking and want that effort to succeed.
Barry Vogel Esq., Ukiah
MENDO HHSA DIRECTOR STACEY CRYER claims Grand Jury wrong about County Animal Shelter
by Fred Gardner
Ripped Van Winkle walking in the hills
Known for herb the local pub distills
Decided he would just step in and hoist a glass
with some conscious members of the peasant class
The barkeep was one Peter Van Dam
Recently returned from Vietnam
With seven sacred seeds in his garrison cap
They were grown on a ridge that was not on any map
The conversation turned to war and peace
“Who made us the world’s police?”
That was the two of them’s one and only line
And then they exchanged that old two-fingered sign
And by the time he made it out the door
The stars were overhead Ripped wasn’t sure
Where the trail would lead down to that scolding wife
Whom he’d see no more of in this life.
Ripped Van Winkle lay down for a rest
In his Hudson’s Bay down-filled vest
Pine needles soft underneath his bones
Guiness-Book-of-World-Records-level stoned
This happened the last night of sixty nine
He was reported missing at the time
The wife died, the kids grew up and had
kids of their own who’d never known their old granddad
Ripped Van Winkle felt the morning sun
Got up, stretched and thought of what he’d done
the night before or was it all a dream
Involving some Catskills bowling team?
The cleared trail was nowhere to be found
He pegged it on that potion he had downed
Cannabis some gifted alchemist had boiled
a super concentrate as thick as oil
The underbrush was wet and twice he slipped
And though he didn’t feel all that ripped
Van Winkle sensed that something was amiss
My beard, he thought, was it long as this?
Down he hiked, feeling kind of stiff
A man who didn't fear the fiscal cliff
A man whose very concept of today
Was four point four decades away
The woods let him out on Stillman Lane
The scent of ozone hit him then the rain
A vehicle came round the bend and stopped
A short-haired man said where you headin’ pop?
The truck looked science-fiction new
A Ford Bronco built in eighty-two
Oldies station playing Jackson Browne
Ripped said anywhere north of Tarrytown
The man said something ‘bout the Knicks
Ripped was too awed to try and mix
He soon tumbled out with a grateful nod
To see what had been wrought by God
That war in Vietnam created fog
And Ripped might just be a shaggy dog
But I’m gonna now go straight to the point
Why don’t you just fire up another joint?
Ripped Van Winkle is my self-mistake
Who tried to give reality a break
And stuck in the ‘60s just like they say
Keeps seeing everything from way far away
When anti-war soldiers gave them doubt
When money wasn’t all it’s all about
When counterculture attitudes almost prevailed
Before they had two point four million of us jailed
And split into a thousand separate groups
jumping through a thousand separate hoops
Funded by enlightened billionaires
Executive-directed by five-cornered squares
You don’t have to be Ripped to see
No threat to inequality
It’s even in their interests to ‘let em smoke pot’
In a land ever more have and have not
Start slow fade
No, you don't have to be Ripped to see
The sacred as commodity.
PURDY: WORLD SERIES A FUN RIDE, even if few are noticing:
PUBLIC INPUT IGNORED so public now trying to stop senseless project before it gets final approval.
Some people are petitioning the Fort Bragg City Council to stop the Main Street realignment project. This is a greatly flawed project that has ignored public input and will tear up Main Street from Laurel to Oak all through the summer of 2015. The petitioners are asking for the public to become educated on the upcoming project. You can see the plan at the cities website: http://city.fortbragg.com/Search/Results?searchPhrase=main%20street and scroll down to find block by block plans. If you are wanting it to stop then please sign the petition at https://www.change.org/p/city-council-of-fort-bragg-ca-stop-the-main-street-realignment-project
Thank You
CATCH OF THE DAY, October 28, 2014

DONALD ALEXANDER, Willits. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale; armed with firearm, ex-felon with firearm, prohibited person with ammunition, child abuse/endangerment.
DONALD BEETS, Hopland. Driving without valid license, possession of drug paraphernalia, unlawful display of vehicle registration, resiting arrest.
SALINOA CARDOZA, Willits. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale; armed with firearm.
ANDREANNA DELLIGATTI, Oakland/Willits. Possession of controlled substance.

TRAVIS FAGALA, Willits. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale; armed with firearm.
JESTIN GOTT, Redwood Valley. Witness intimidation, probation revocation.
HALEY KUNTZ, Willits. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale; resisting arrest.
CRISTINA MARTIN, Pittsburg/Willits. Pot cultivation, processing, possession for sale.
TIMOTHY PIERSON, Willits. Parole violation.

JUAN VARGAS, Calpella. Hit & Run with injury/fatality, driving without a valid license, possession of marijuana, reckless evasion, resisting arrest.
CHRISTOPHER WALRATH, Ukiah. Felony criminal threats.
HARLAN WILLIAMS, Covelo. Reckless evasion, probation revocation.
DAVID YADON, Willits. Possession of meth, under influence of controlled substance, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)
Prosecute CPUC President Michael Peevey for selling us out to PG&E. Sign the petition to Attorney General Kamala Harris: “California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey has repeatedly abused his power and betrayed the public’s trust. Conduct a broad investigation into Michael Peevey’s tenure at the CPUC and prosecute any illegal activity to the full extent of the law.”
Dear Concerned Citizen,
“That's criminal behavior. If I were to do that, I'd go to prison." – State Senator Jerry Hill In the wake of disturbing evidence that he repeatedly attempted to bribe one of the companies he is supposed to regulate, California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey announced recently that he won’t be seeking another appointment after his current term ends in December.1
Peevey is quitting amidst calls for his dismissal, but we shouldn’t let him off the hook. He still needs to be held legally accountable for his long history of abusing his position of power and betraying the public’s trust.
Attorney General Kamala Harris must conduct a broad investigation into Peevey’s tenure at the CPUC and prosecute all illegal activity to the full extent of the law – not just to address Peevey’s criminal behavior – but to deter other elected officials from abusing their power in a similar way.
Sign the petition: Tell Attorney General Kamala Harris to conduct a broad investigation of Michael Peevey and prosecute him to the full extent of the law.
As a series of emails made public by PG&E on October 6 made clear, Peevey in 2010 offered to trade the utility favorable decisions in exchange for huge donations to political causes and charity events of his choosing. In a shocking instance of quid pro quo deal-making, Peevey indicated to PG&E’s vice president for regulatory affairs that tens of millions of California consumer dollars were up for grabs if the company made a big enough donation in opposition to a ballot initiative.Ultimately, both the political donation and a $26 million giveaway to PG&E came to pass.2
Even before the most recent news, a growing chorus of consumer groups, elected officials and media outlets had already called for Peevey to be removed from office due to the shockingly inappropriate relationship between Peevey’s office and some of some of California’s biggest utilities.3
The previous revelations had already moved the California Attorney General’s office to investigate the CPUC’s handling of the 2010 San Bruno pipeline explosion that killed eight people, but the current investigation is narrowly focused on the commission’s interactions with PG&E around a limited set of issues. Given the scale of Peevey’s abuse of power that has come to light over the past few months, what’s needed now is a broad and aggressive investigation covering Commissioner Peevey’s entire tenure.
If criminal charges aren’t brought against Michael Peevey, it will send a message to other public servants in California that there aren’t consequences for their actions and that they’re above the law. Let’s make sure Attorney General Harris knows that Californians expect her to hold Michael Peevey fully accountable.
Tell Attorney General Kamala Harris: Corrupt public officials must be held accountable. Investigate and prosecute Michael Peevey.
Thanks for fighting to hold public officials in California accountable.
Josh Nelson, Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets
- "Michael Peevey preempts ouster, will quit Public Utilities Commission," Los Angeles Times, October 9, 2014.
- "PG&E Report on California Regulator Funds Request Sparks Outcry," Bloomberg, October 7, 2014.
- "Protesters in San Francisco Demand Removal of CPUC President Michael Peevey," NBC Bay Area, October 2, 2014.
Letter to the Editor
Business 101 for Supervisors & Mental Health Services
- Long distance management of everyday mental health patient services doesn’t work.
- Dual Mental Health management systems (County and Ortner) also does not work. Who’s responsible? Who’s accountable?
- Hiring the Mental Health Director’s former employer, Ortner Management and Real Estate Development Corporation, to try for their first time to provide daily mental health patient services for a County, was a mistake that needs correcting.
- Supervisors (and CEO Carmel Angelo) can make a new choice — hire an experienced non-profit like Turning Point to come in to hire and train locals to create and build a mental health patient system that works, and is in compliance with State mandated services — pre-crisis and crisis care, 24-hour treatment, residential, rehabilitation and support.
How much longer will our supervisors choose to continue this unnecessary suffering of patients, their families, and people in our communities?
Sonya Nesch, Comptche
by Dan Bacher
Contributions to the Yes on Proposition 1 and 2 campaigns soared to $13,212,726 on Friday, October 24 as corporate agribusiness, oil companies, billionaires, the health care industry and other corporate interests continued to dump millions of dollars into Jerry Brown’s campaign to pass the water bond.
The main committee, “Brown; Yes on Props 1 and 2, A Bipartisan Coalition of Business, Labor, Republicans, Democrats and Governor," has raised $12,418,226 and has spent $11,221,528 to date. (http://fppc.ca.gov/top10Nov2014/)
The California Business Political Action Committee, sponsored by the California Chamber of Commerce, has raised $794,500 and has spent $312,401 for the campaign to date,
In contrast, the Vote No on Prop. 1 campaign, has raised $89,100 and has spent $53,077 to date. (http://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_1,_Water_Bond_(2014))
The campaign for and against Proposition 1, the $7.5 billion water bond on the November 4 ballot, remains the classic David and Goliath battle of this election season in California.
Governor Jerry Brown, the Republican and Democratic Party establishment, corporate agribusiness interests, oil companies, construction unions, corporate "environmental" NGOs, prominent billionaires, the health care industry and big water agencies are backing the Yes on Prop. 1 campaign. In contrast, a grassroots coalition of fishing groups, environmentalists, consumer organizations, Indian Tribes, family farmers and Delta water agencies is campaigning to defeat Proposition 1.
The top 18 campaign contributors – those who donated $250,000 or more - have raised a total of $11,835,279 to date for the Yes on Prop. 1 and campaign, according to the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). (http://fppc.ca.gov/top10Nov2014/)
Dignity Health, which just contributed $250,000, is the latest corporate contributor to the Yes on Prop. 1 campaign. That donation followed the contribution of $250,000 to the campaign by Aera Energy LLC, a company jointly owned by affiliates of Shell and ExxonMobil.
The Bakersfield-based Aera Energy is one of California's largest oil and gas producers, accounting for nearly 25 percent of the state's production, according to the company’s website. (http://www.aeraenergy.com/who-we-are.asp)
Corporate agribusiness interests, the largest users of federal and state water project water exported through the Delta pumping facilities, have donated a total of $850,000 to the Yes on Prop. 1 campaign. The California Farm Bureau Federation contributed $250,000 and the Western Growers Service Association donated $250,000.
Stewart Resnick, the Beverly Hills agribusiness tycoon, owner of Paramount Farms and largest orchard fruit grower in the world, contributed $150,000 and the California Cotton Alliance contributed $200,000 to the Yes on Prop. 1 campaign.
Resnick and his wife, Lynda, have been instrumental in promoting campaigns to eviscerate Endangered Species Act protections for Central Valley Chinook salmon and Delta smelt populations and to build the fish-killing peripheral tunnels - and have made millions off reselling environmental water to the public.
For an an excellent article on the Resnicks, pleased read, "Water, Money, Taxes, Campaigns, and the Bond: The Resnick Farming Story," by Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla and various associates at: http://restorethedelta.org/blog/water-money-taxes-campaigns-bond-resnick-farming-story/
The largest individual donor in the Yes on Prop. 1 campaign to date remains Sean Parker, who has contributed $1 million to the campaign. Parker is an entrepreneur and venture capitalist who cofounded the file-sharing computer service Napster and served as the first president of the social networking website Facebook. He also cofounded Plaxo, Causes, and Airtime. As of September, 2014, Parker's net worth was estimated to be $3.1 billion, according to Wiikipedia.
Four members of the Fisher family, who own the controversial Gap stores and Mendocino Redwood Company, have collectively donated $1.5 million to the Yes. on Prop. 1 and Prop. 2 campaign. (http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/09/28/18762178.php)
Doris F. Fisher contributed $499,000, John J. Fisher $351,000, Robert J. Fisher $400,000 and William S. Fisher $250,000. The Gap become notorious among labor and human rights advocates for employing sweatshop labor in the Third World to produce its clothes.
In contrast to the $13,212,726 in donations to the Prop. 1 and 2 campaigns listed on the FPPC website, the FPPC states, “No committee opposing this ballot measure raised enough money to reach the reporting threshold."
Governor Brown's $7.5 billion water bond includes $2.7 billion for new dams and is a serious threat to the Delta and Central Valley rivers and fisheries, according to grassroots fishing and environmental groups.
"These are deadbeat dams," said Ron Stork, Senior Policy Advocate for Friends of the River (FOR). "You can't dam your way to paradise with deadbeat dams. It's just that simple."
"We're going to spend $2.7 billion to increase our water supply by 1 percent," said Stephen Green, president of Save the American River Association (SARA). "That is not a good use of the money."
Bill Jennings, Executive Director of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA), sums up why it is so important for people concerned about the future of salmon, the Delta and California to vote against the water bond: "Prop. 1 is a poster-child of why California is in a water crisis: it enriches water speculators but accomplishes little in addressing the drought, solving California's long-term water needs, reducing reliance on The Delta, or protecting our rivers and fisheries."
To read CSPA's 14-Point Analysis and Statement of Opposition to the Proposition 1, go to: http://calsport.org/news/wp-content/uploads/CSPA-14-Point-Opposition-Prop-1.pdf
Updated List of Top Contributors to Prop. 1 and 2 (over $250,000)
A contributor whose name is marked with an asterisk made a contribution to a committee that simultaneously supported or opposed more than one statewide ballot measure on the November 4, 2014 ballot. Because of this it is not possible to determine the amount of the contribution that was spent specifically on the campaign for any particular measure. In these cases the contributions are listed for every ballot measure the committee has been formed to support or oppose. This results in the same contribution appearing multiple times – once for each ballot measure the committee supports or opposes.
1 Brown for Governor 2014* - $5,026,529
2 Sean Parker* - $1,000,000
3 California Alliance for Jobs - Rebuild California Committee* - $521,250
4 California Hospitals Committee on Issues, Sponsored by California Association of Hospitals and Health Systems* - $500,000
5 Doris Fisher* - $499,000
6 L. John Doerr* - $475,000
7 Laborers Pacific Southwest Regional Organizing Coalition - Issues PAC* - $400,000
8 Robert Fisher* - $400,000
9 John Fisher* - $351,000
10 Dignity Health - $250,000
11 Western Growers Service Corporation* - $250,000
12 Northern California Carpenters Regional Council Issues PAC* - $250,000
13 Reed Hastings* - $250,000
14 California American Council of Engineering Companies Issues Fund* - $250,000
15 Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters Issues Committee (including contributions from Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters Legislative Improvement Committee)* - $250,000
16 California Farm Bureau Federation* - $250,000
17 William Fisher* - $250,000
18 Aera Energy LLC* $250,000
Total from top contributors $ $11,835,279
Must of been that chaw Peavy was loaded up with……
Go Giants!
RE: Golden Gate Bridge District. They used to charge a pocket-change fee to pedestrians to cross the bridge. That was ended sometime in the 1970s.
The pertinent question is not: how can they generate more revenue, it’s: why are they continually in a deficit? The darn thing was supposed to have been paid off decades ago. They have downsized staff, reduced services and raised prices year after year after year.
It’s time for a ruthless, in-depth audit of their books by an independent body.
RE: Latest AVHC news.
Did they summarily demand that Ms. Spiller empty her desk, turn over her keys, then escort her to the front door?
It would’ve been karmically just… but not our way.
Giants win this, Hudson is respectable through 5 and the pen will hold…write it down.
Go Giants!