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Posts published in October 2014

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct 9, 2014

Iacuaniello Blank;
NYTimes on Playoff Giants;
Redwood Valley Lurker;
Catch of the Day;
Willits Detour;
ISIS Crisis, Biden Blurt;
Redtag Palace;
Amy & Katrina;
Halloween Party;
Maunakea Telescope

What Shall We Do?

Congress has just voted to cut nine billion dollars in food stamps for poor Americans while voting to spend an initial sum of twenty billion dollars to bomb people in Syria and Iraq. That’s twenty billion on top of the trillion dollars Congress gives the Pentagon every year to, you know, bomb people all over the world.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct 8, 2014

Giants Win;
Eyster Rips Losak;
Principal Busted;
Lunar Eclipse;
Ebola Crazed;
Water Conservation;
Pot Business;
Catch of the Day;
Covelo Quake;
Corporate Dictatorship;
Costume Contest;
Jewelry Making;
Solar Parties;
Senior Social;
Local Food;
Old Man;
Bernie Sanders;
Poor Part of Town;
Howard Ennes;
Stehr Zone

Going Back To College

Going back to college to get my degree and a teaching credential after dropping out nine years earlier was tough in a lot of ways.…

AVA Recommendations for the Nov 4, 2014 Election

UKIAH CITY COUNCIL: As inland people are sooooo fully aware, at long last the silliest of the silly people are gone from the Council. No more Little Benj, no more Mari Rodin, no more Landis. Incumbent Scalmanini, like town mayor Red Phil, has silly tendencies, but so far, other than an impulse to nitpick, Scalamini, a PC sorta dude, has been on task and, as an appointee, he’s not up yet for election. The fifth councilman, Crane, has been a veritable rock of commonsense, but he’s not up for re-election, and when he does come up should be returned.

Words and Deeds

According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his followers (as recounted by the King James translation), “Ye are the salt of the earth: but…

Valley People (Oct 8, 2014)

SUE SELLERS, a long-time resident of the Anderson Valley, has died, carried off at age 78, we understand, by a heart attack.
