'Corporations Are Not People' author in Willits this Sunday for anti-fracking ballot measure
Countywide Yes-on-S Event Features Pro-democracy Crusader Jeff Clements — THIS SUNDAY in Willits
Sunday, October 12, the Community Rights Network of Mendocino County hosts a fundraiser for Measure S, the initiative that bans fracking by ensuring that decisions about water protection are made by residents-not fracking corporations. The event features attorney and author Jeff Clements, who has worked much of his life confronting corporate power and promoting community empowerment. "As a champion of the rights of residents to protect their communities from harmful corporate projects, we're excited to have Jeff come and support this initiative and share his wisdom and experience with us," said CRNMC spokesperson Robin Sunbeam. Clements served as Massachusetts Assistant Attorney General, leading a large staff in the enforcement of environmental, healthcare, financial services, civil rights, antitrust and consumer protection laws. He wrote a Friend of the Court brief for the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD), Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County (DUHC), and other pro-democracy groups for the US Supreme Court Citizens United case. He is the cofounder of Free Speech for People and the author of the best-selling and award-winning book Corporations Are Not People: Reclaiming Democracy from Big Money and Global Corporations. He also co-founded Whaleback Partners LLC, which provides cost-effective capital to farmers and businesses engaged in local, sustainable agriculture. This is Jeff Clements' only appearance in Mendocino County and an extraordinary opportunity for the people of Mendocino County to meet and converse with a man deeply knowledgeable about many of our local concerns. Come listen to a prominent anti-corporate crusader, enjoy a glass of wine with hors d'oeuvres, bid in the silent auction, listen to the Raging Grannies and dance to rocker Steven Bates while helping to raise funds for YES on S! Measure S will empower community self-governance in order to protect our rights and water resources from fracking while creating a sustainable economic model for Mendocino County that will last for generations to come. Sunday, October 12, 6:30pm at the Little Lake Grange, 291 School Street in Willits. For more information, check out these three websites: crnmc.org, YESonS.me andfacebook.crnmc.org
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