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Posts published in August 2013

Mendocino County Today: August 10, 2013

LIKE MANY LOCALS, I’ve enjoyed the Haul Road north of Fort Bragg for years, an amenity we enjoy courtesy of the padrones of yesterday’s timber industry, and an amenity enjoyed by few other towns between…

Mendocino County Today: August 9, 2013

A 66-YEAR-OLD MAN, not yet identified, died in a single-vehicle crash near Laytonville on Monday afternoon about 3. The deceased, driving alone in a 2003 Ford SUV, unaccountably ran off the east edge of 101,…

Mendocino County Today: August 8, 2013

(ED NOTE: Someone is bulk purchasing all available hard copy AVAs from our outlets in Ukiah, coincidentally the same issue which features the Peter Richardson marijuana case on the front page above the fold. Accordingly,…

Off The Record

JOHN CHAMBERLIN'S MEMORIAL PARTY will be Saturday, August 31, at the Greenwood Community Center in Elk, from 3 to 11 pm. Potluck and bring your own drinks. Music by dozens of John's friends, a silent…

Letters To The Editor

Dearest Editor, Tonto and QueNoSabe (or QuienNoSabe) called each other names. One called one “QueNoSabe” (or “QuienNoSabe”), which means “One Who Doesn't Know", in Spanish, and the other one called the other one “Tonto", which…

Mendocino County Today: August 7, 2013

JOHN CHAMBERLIN'S MEMORIAL PARTY will be Saturday, August 31, at the Greenwood Community Center in Elk, from 3 to 11 pm. Pot luck and bring your own drinks. Music by dozens of John's friends, a…

What Happened To Kathy Corral?

Dear Editor: My name is Kathy Corral and I am the former Manager of the Dental Clinic at Anderson Valley Health Center. Due to an Executive Management and Board of Directors' decision my position was…
