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Posts published in June 2013


Rain? In late June? Sure California sorely needs it, but the forecast did make the honchos at the 20th annual Sierra Nevada World Music Festival a bit apprehensive. Early Sunday morning, while walking out by the high school and health center, it began drizzling as if things might get seriously wet, the dog looked at me like I was nuts for dragging him all the way out there from downtown, and I was reminded I had no rain gear nor umbrella. But it let up, to remain a light intermittent sprinkle that caused no real woes, and later a fast-talking wild-eyed woman wearing a sliced-up unstuffed stuffed lion on her head informed me she had “taken care of the rain thing” via some voodoo-type stuff she had “learned at Burning Man last year.” Whatever works.

Cukcoo’s Nest

Judging by Mark Scaramella’s front page article in the June 12th edition of the AVA, mental health issues are still an extremely hot topic in…

Hendy Woods, The Next 50 Years

When hardware store owner and pioneer descendant Jack Clow was putting together the dedication event in 1963 for the newly created Hendy Woods State Park,…

Mendocino County Today: June 25, 2013

WILLITS POLICE are investigating the death of Danny Lawrason, 77, found dead in his home on East San Francisco Avenue on Sunday June 16th. A…

Mendocino County Today: June 24, 2013

RASTAFARIANS here, Rastafarians there, Rastafarians everywhere in Boonville this weekend. Overall impression is of shuffling, listless people, most of them young but enervated-seeming. Thanatoids. The…

Mendocino County Today: June 23, 2013

WHO SAYS we don't benefit from the casinos? The Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund, with a committee comprised of local elected officials looking on, has…

Mendocino County Today: June 22, 2013

ABOUT 50 BYPASS PROTESTERS began to impede wick drain installation in a field (aka former wetland) along the northern end of the bypass construction zone…

Mendocino County Today: June 21, 2013

THE MENDOCINO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE has formally identified the victim of a shooting near a Spy Rock Road pot garden as Upper Lake resident Hugo…

Letters To The Editor

WHAT ARE THE ADVENTISTS DOING TO HOWARD HOSPITAL? Editor, What a difference a year makes! Howard Hospital, what has happened to the patient/customer friendly small…
