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Posts published in May 2013

In Loving Memory Of Henry Hill

The first thing I saw when I arrived at Henry Hill’s memorial was a live pink poodle on a leash with a pink haired lady…

Off The Record

KGO TV ran a major feature story about the folly of the Willits bypass on their evening news Friday night. Bypass opponents are thrilled by…

Valley People

THE GOOD NEWS. Years of barn sales and crab feeds have gotten the dedicated parishoners of St. Elizabeth Seton's Catholic Church to the design stage…

Off The Tracks

In 2010, Bernard Meyers was the only NCRA director to publicly say that taxpayers are being ripped off by a sweetheart deal benefiting a private company that includes former congressman Doug Bosco — who happens to be the NCRA’s attorney.

You Call This A Defense?

The Public Defender’s Office in this county doesn't do much to earn their nice salaries. A recent letter in the AVA from a man at…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. Well, good readers, it’s good to be back from the “real world”! Following…

Anderson Valley Community Farm

It has been two years since I moved to Boonville to begin a farming project on Burt Cohen’s original 50-acre Boont Berry Farm property at…

The Ageability Of AV Pinot

“I wish I could be a cheerleader for this,” Jim Klein of Navarro warned me about the ageability of Anderson Valley Pinot Noir, “but things…

Mendocino County Today: May 13, 2013

OFF TRACK The Corruption Behind The Non-News At The NCRA by Mark Scaramella Even Wikipedia has an entry for the Northwestern Pacific Railroad Co. “The…
