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Posts published in May 2013

Mendocino County Today: June 1, 2013

THE GRAND JURY has taken a close look at food and nutrition at the County Jail and Juvenile Hall. In 1996 I spent a couple…

Mendocino County Today: May 31, 2013

CHRISTOPHER LASCH could have used Mendocino County as a study population for his pivotal “Culture of Narcissism” where narcissists comprise the majority of our population.…

Letters To The Editor

ELBOW-TO-ELBOW GUN LAWS Editor, I heard the NRA leader in Texas on radio today and realized how prevalent mental disorders are. This guy is an…

Mendocino County Today: May 30, 2013

DAN HAMBURG, chairman of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, says he’s suing Mendocino County over the Sheriff’s stated intention to both file misdemeanor charges…

Postcard From The End Of America: Oakland

Other people’s lives come fluttering to us in the tiniest fragments, and these we gather, when we bother to, into an incoherent jumble of impressions…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. And for a change, how about we get straight into the Public…

River Views

About a month ago the FBI declared Assata Shakur, a self-proclaimed revolutionary, convicted murderer and fugitive, a “terrorist” and doubled the bounty for her capture to $2 million.

Prohibition ’37: The IRS Agent Job Creation Act

The hearing at which marijuana prohibition was discussed by Congress in 1937, continued from last week's AVA. The witness, Joseph B. Hertzfeld of the Philadelphia…

Mean Spirits

Yes, I read the unattractive little slips of paper that come with our monthly PG&E bill, and I have no doubt PG&E hopes most customers will toss these little slips without reading their tiny print. Why? Because most of the little slips announce rate increases for things customers should not have to pay for. There is a government entity called the CPUC, which stands for the California Public Utilities Commission, that is supposed to protect the consumer from unnecessary and unjust rate increases, but the CPUC does not protect us because they are in bed with PG&E, literally, and approve anything and everything that PG&E wants to do.
