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Posts published in December 2012

The Goldeneye Diaries

Thursday was a half-day for us temporary types at Goldeneye, and I spent the morning grape sampling the Narrows Vineyard with Danny. The fruit in…

From Grapes To Wine

It seemed to begin about two years ago, which means it really started about four or five years ago (funny how memory works); suddenly there…

Why Young Folks Aren’t Farming

At the Redding listening session in 2008, several board members wondered aloud how to “get young people interested in farming.” Since I am a bona…

Mendocino County Today: December 19, 2012

WE WERE WONDERING why we hadn’t heard from Congressman Winebottle on the Newtown Massacre. Today, courtesy of Hank Sims at, we discover that he…

My Beautiful America, Part 2

The Battlefield Park at Pea Ridge, Arkansas, claims to be the most intact battlefield of the Civil War. Maybe so, maybe so, bare of monuments…

Burnt Out On Fire Suppression

Walking through the chalky gray ashes and charred remains of the lifeless shrub forest that spans the canyons and slopes of North Cow Mountain, the…

River Views

Let’s begin with the absurd: Federal and state agencies (the US Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the California Department of Forestry and Fire…

‘Paranoia Strikes Deep’

Headline: A lone gunman opened fire today in (San Francisco, Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Tucson, Oak Creek...) and shot _____ innocent people, killing _____ people…

Presenting Madam Luke Breit

Still as crooked as a brokeback snake, Luke Breit, is again in the news. An occasional resident of Mendocino, and a former chief aide to…
