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Posts published in November 2012

River Views

Last week’s column touched on Pomo sites near Fort Bragg, which in turn sent me to Samuel Alfred Barrett’s The Ethno-Geography of the Pomo and…

A Bumper Crop Of New Pot Laws

Like corn in Iowa or potatoes in Idaho, the price of certain key crops indicate the economic health of a region. For better or worse,…

Musical Weapons Of Mass Destruction

The Romney “Believe in America” bus may have been on the road right until the end, but in the last weeks of the campaign it…

We All Need A Higher Minimum Wage

Election's over, the good guy won, so what now for working people? Labor's wish list for our re-elected president and the new Congress is long,…

Nature Bats Last

“Deer have been around for five million years and must know what they’re doing.”— Elizabeth Marshall Thomas Our new home turns out to be a…

Off The Record

EMERGING SCANDAL, with more fairly prominent Mendocino-area people also about to be rounded up. Arrested last week by a task force raid team led by…

Valley People

EARTHQUAKE TREMOR this morning, Tuesday the 13th, rolled Boonville at 5:40am the US Geological Survey said the jolt measured 3.4 on the Richter Scale and…

World War I, Lost In The Mist

November 11 is celebrated as Veteran's Day in the United States today. The date originally was known as Armistice Day to mark the end of…

Slouching Toward San Francisco

Jim Jones was raised by a mother whose dreams were too big for the Indiana farm town where they lived. “Don't be nothing like your…
