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Posts published in November 2012

Letters To The Editor

DRUGGED AND CRAZY Dear Editor: Once again “our” DA tries to strike fear in the hearts of those who care about mentally ill people, re:…

Mendocino County Today: November 15, 2012

MOVEMENT STRATEGY BRUNCHES: “Campaign Season” Never Ends for the Professional Left. I.e., “One Big Progressive Cluster-F—k” by The INSIDER President Barack Obama was elected merely…

Mendocino County Today: November 14, 2012

EMERGING SCANDAL, with more fairly prominent Mendocino-area people also about to be rounded up. Arrested last week by a task force raid team led by…

Election Notes, Mendocino County

Fleeting impressions. As usual, most people lost, and, as usual, almost half those eligible to vote didn't bother. Obama and Romney spent about six billion…

Looking Back, Part 5

My 2nd grade year in Mrs. Hickey’s class (the only one of my first four years in school during which my mother did not teach…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. This month’s Birthday Greetings go out to Jeanne Nickless, Shirley Harris, Judy…


On a sunny but cool Wednesday afternoon, the AV High Schodol boys’ soccer team hosted the semi-final of the play-offs in which they faced the…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: David Jackness

I met with David on Anderson Valley Way where he lives with life-partner Regine Schwenter. We enjoyed a refreshing cup of tea and sat down…

Defending Ten Mile Court

Dear Coast Attorneys, I wanted to add some food for thought for the upcoming meeting on Thursday. As you all know, Mendocino County has a…
