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Posts published in May 2012

Mendocino County Today: May 20, 2012

SUMMER DOPE SEASON got off to a spectacular start Friday morning when a Humboldt County task force raided a 16,465-plant garden near Garberville. Locals, as…

Mendocino County Today: May 19, 2012

LAST WEDNESDAY NIGHT County an unknown number of County employees received the following email from Jasmin Ward, of the Service Employees International Union. “ELECTION UPDATE…

Mendocino County Today: May 18, 2012

THE GRAND JURY REPORTS are out. We haven’t read the whole thing yet but we did read three areas the GJ reported on, the gist…

Letters To The Editor

STILL KEEPING THE CODE Editor, Keep The Code, Inc., a non-profit Corporation of Mendocino County citizens, has hired legal representation in litigation, challenging the Mendocino…

Mendocino County Today: May 17, 2012

THE UKIAH FAIR BOARD has not renewed Blair Aiken's contract to run the Speedway on its North State Street fairgrounds. The Fair Board says it…

A Wonderful Fundraiser

It started with lesbian couples in Vermont in the mid-90s, freaked out they’d lose their babies. Vermont Freedom to Marry was born, and is now…

Valley People

THE BEER FEST went off with a minimum of unpleasantness with only a few arrests for drunk in public and several for driving under the…

Hendy Grove

Before there was an Occupy Hendy Woods movement, before there was a Hendy Woods State Park, there was Hendy Grove.

‘We Don’t Have To Follow Your Laws’

Nothing the North Coast Railroad Authority does should come as a shock anymore. This, after all, is the state agency that for years ran around telling everyone fantastical and contradictory stories — often pulling facts straight out of thin air — in order to gain whatever momentary financial or political advantage it could.
