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Posts published in March 2012

A Meth Maker’s Tale

I'd like to explain to you how I began to cook methamphetamine at the young and very impressionable age of 17. It was all unintentional, you see, and from the very beginning it's not what I set myself up to do.

Letters To The Editor

DIM BULBS Justice is being served, slowly but surely. As some may recall, my truck was broken into last June at Lake Mendocino under cover…

The Voices & Views Of One Side

NPR National Public Radio. National Pay or Play Radio. Spring Pledge Drive, 2012. Hosts beg and cajole on air hour after hour, day after day…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I am going to be on ‘special assignment’ for the next few…

Signs Of Spring

“I am for an art that is political-erotical-mystical, that does something other than sit on its ass in a museum.” — Claes Oldenburg Harbor seals…

Valley People

PASTOR DICK COOLIDGE of Comptche has died. He was 95. The Coolidges established the soon thriving Chapel of the Redwoods in Comptche in 1979 where…

Take Back Our Forests?

At the February 28 meeting of the Supervisors, Dan Hamburg asked that a seemingly innocuous item on the consent calendar be brought up for full…

Double Deuce

How many lawyers does it take to beat a DUI? At least three if you're the drunk lawyer. Mill Valley attorney Robert Praszker was charged…

Local Food Movement: Mendo & Beyond, Part II

In the first installment of this two-part series, the participants discussed the factors in their individual lives that influenced them to dedicate themselves to their…
