Late last month we filed a claim against the County to recover the $3k they wrongly gave to Supervisor Kendall Smith.
Posts published in October 2010
Re-reading the favorite books of one’s youth can be dangerous, or at least disappointing. They rarely measure up to the image and influence they had upon first encounter. That has too often been my sad experience, at least. But Henry Miller has been a happy exception.
I have never heard of a workshop for writers that teaches the efficacious use of sex to make it big in thea tre or publishing or the movie business, but any writer who has toiled in Hollywood or New York or in the out posts of those Babylons knows that sexual linkage to people in power is of paramount importance to success in The Biz; and anyone who denies this is either a phony or grossly naïve.
MOVE TO AMEND Dear Editor and readers; A recent poll found that 85% of US voters believe “corporations have too much influence over the political system,” and “93% say that average citizens have too little…
Harvesting crews are working around the clock in the Valley these days, diesel engines humming and halogen lights burning in the vineyards as well as the headlamps in pot gardens. Apparently the wine grapes are…
I met with James last week at his office just outside Philo on Blattner Road. He’s a very busy man (“24/7/365”) as executive Director of the Unicorn Youth Services School and Group Home and it…
Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. “The Valley’s Most Senior Senior” — an update: Several people have been in touch with regards to the recent discussion in this…