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Posts published in October 2010

Northstone Organics Targeted?

"Next week if they take my medical cannabis I will be pissed off and demand they give it back!" --Angel Raich, Northstone Organics patient Angel Raich spoke these words after Northstone Organics' drivers were stopped…

Off the Record

This week: Want & Fear 2030, privatizing Mendo's mental health system, firing Point Arena's city clerk and much more.

The Volcano in the Kitchen

Today was our day to do nothing.  No school for him.  No work for me.  No important errands to run.  No play-dates to be on time for.  So we were busy. He was up early…

The Soros Syndrome

George Soros announced a few weeks ago that he is giving $100 million to Human Rights Watch — condi­tional on the organization to find a match­ing $100 mil­lion a year from other donors for ten…

Valley People

THURSDAY NIGHT'S school board meeting will be a hot one, and here's why: Late last week, Ernie Pardini received a phone call from high school principal Jim Tomlin who proceeded, in typically passive-aggressive style —…

Hell’s Housesitter

A Coast couple was off to Mexico for the winter of 2008, secure, they thought, that their home and aged pets, a dog and a cat, were in capable, responsible hands. “I found her on…

There Are Chomos, And There Are Chomos

A jury has found Timothy Ryan guilty on three counts of child molestation. He'll get 15 years in prison. Everybody says they abhor child molesters, but in Mendocino County penalties depend on who you are.
