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Posts published in March 2010

Valley People 3/17/2010

TERRI RHOADES runs the School District's crucial food service program. She also teaches cooking and home economics. It's fair to say that Terri is vital…

Off the Record 3/17/2010

This week: deVall & the 5th District Supes race, the Rural Legal Club, Mendo Branch, Tichinin's "Day of Action" and much more...

Richard Blum: Godzilla Regent

Current and former campus workers from UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and UC Santa Cruz — joined by several student sup porters — were on hand to challenge Richard Blum on the poverty he promotes in his capacity as a UC Regent. Blum, who fashions himself as a global anti-poverty crusader by way of his Blum Center for Developing Economies at UC Berkeley, has had a primary hand in shaping the policies that have led to deep pay cuts and widespread employee layoffs at UC campuses. Moreover, as a leading finance capitalist and political influence peddler on a global scale, he and his ilk have played a strong role in causing the ongoing global economic meltdown — and the various financial austerity measures it is leading to.

Perils In Plastics?

Poor Marge Simpson. In a recent episode of “The Simpsons,” the insecure cartoon housewife made the mistake of using nonstick cookware and offering plas­tic cups…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. First may I wish a very happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone…

Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going?

Driving down the broad avenues of Cleveland, Ohio, was like flipping through the pages of a picture book about the rise and fall of our…

Spring Break Cocktails

Patches of snow cling to the muddy earth in the city’s picturesque 19th-century cemetery just to our north. Down in the gorge immediately to our…
