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Posts published in March 2010

The 99 Plant Rule

Mendo's pot rules just got a whole lot more complicated.

Free or Not Free?

We got a message from an angry fan on our Facebook page a month or so back about our biz model here at He…

Relax, the Empire’s In Safe Hands

Are they really bumblers? The establishment’s opinion columns quiver with reproofs for maladroit handling of foreign policy by President Obama and his secretary of state,…

Letters to the Editor

Advice for Sunkett, Duggles on V'Canto v. Green Door, Nader on health care and much more...

Murder One

Gerold Jerry Knight was beaten and his throat cut on the old railroad tracks in Ukiah. It was the warm, late afternoon of Friday the 13th of June, 2008 on the tracks near Perkins Street that run north-south through Ukiah, railroad tracks left over from a more optimistic time, railroad tracks unlikely to ever see another train, railroad tracks that are now home to the permanently untracked.
