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Posts published in March 2010

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s start with the Public Service Announcements. #131. I am told that…

From the Blogs: Will Kenny Rogers Get A New Trial?

The latest attorney for disgraced Mendo Republican Kenny Rogers, who was convicted last summer of hiring a hitman to kill a political adversary, is claiming that Rogers' last attorney so thoroughly botched his defense that the case deserves another try.

Off the Record

This week: The Fifth District's conservative candidate, Mr. B on Feinstein & Blum, Glenn Sunkett's Thompson problem and much more...

Desert Blooms

Due to plentiful winter rains, the desert southwest is planning for a bombastic display of desert flowers sometime in early April. A full desert bloom…

Howard ‘Howie’ Zinn

Bologna, Italy -- As most who read this will know, Howard Zinn died on January 27. Like all who knew and worked with him, I…

Valley People 3/3/2010

MORGAN BAYNHAM reminds us all that the Anderson Valley Grange Variety Show is this Friday and Saturday. Tickets are available at the Philo Market and…

Our Fathers

It's still hard for some locals to accept that 150 years ago — five generations, a historical blip — Hum­boldt County was controlled by genocidaires.…
