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Posts published in “Day: March 11, 2010

Letters to the Editor

AN ATHEIST’S REPLY Editor: I always enjoy reading the letters of Lee Simon from Far’N’Away Farm in Virginia. His letter in the February 24 AVA…

About That Bitch Thing

To the Editor: Regarding the article about me recently. First off, let me ask for a subscription while I'm in prison. Dennis Day, San Quentin…

Solo Either Way

To the editor, I want to acknowledge and commend Mr. Bruce McEwen for the bold journalism displayed in his report in your Off The Record…

Nuthin’ Comin’ But It’s Free

Dear AVA, I was just about to write you to see if you knew whether the documentary “Rivers of a Lost Coast,” featured at the…

Why Bother?

Andrew Lewis Dishman and his many arrests.

Limbaugh’s Lair

What sort of décor do you think the King of Right Wing Radio likes to come home to after a hard day’s ranting into the mike? Big manly couches, a 50 foot wetbar, life size statues of Ronald Reagan? Think again. The dirigible of drivel has put his Fifth Ave penthouse on the market for $13.95 million.

Is Lintott Playing Pot Politics?

For two years a high-profile pot case against a Ukiah teacher hung in legal limbo. But an unexplained decision by DA Lintott to suddenly forge ahead with felony prosecution of teacher Jeff Burrell has shocked his family and friends and cast his teaching career in doubt.

Valley People 3/10/2010

CRIME IS DOWN in Mendocino County in the winter months so the cops and the state's apparently underworked Department of Alcohol Beverage Control go out…

The Bogus Hispanic Crime Wave

Nothing more easily elicits roars of assent across a good slice of the political spectrum than the hoarse alarms that wave after wave of brown-skinned…

Dithering, Dithery Doo. Who Got Who?

The recent uptick in the stock market caused by the bailed out banks investing in the stock market has made Mendo's retirement fund worth roughly $40 million more.
