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Posts published in February 2010

Q&A With Matt Finnegan, Candidate for DA

Matt Finnegan talks about why he's running for district attorney, why he'd make pot trimmers felons and his dismissal from the DA's office.

Off the Record

This week: Jim Mastin's narcolepsy, Tom Mitchell's resignation, David Colfax's rambling and much more...

Timothy Pearce on Glenn Sunkett

Mendo County Jail Commander Timothy Pearce talks (briefly) about Glenn Sunkett's allegations of abuse.

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Let’s go straight to The Whine of the Week. I was disappointed…

The Howl Of The Coati Mundi

The most efficient way to become familiar with the wildlife of the southern Arizona desert is to visit the Sonoran Desert Museum, which is actually…

Farm To Farm

Dandelions are blooming along Lambert Lane. When I walk into town in the mornings or evenings I work up a sweat, overdressed for the balmy…

Can Glenn Sunkett Fire His Public Defender?

Glenn Sunkett, convicted home invader, would like nothing more than to fire Linda Thompson, public defender and, to hear Sunkett tell it, architect of his conviction.

Sacto Salmon Run Hits Record Low

The Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC), a quasi-governmental body that manages West Coast fisheries, on February 11 released alarm­ing numbers showing that California’s once most abundant salmon run collapsed to an all-time record low in 2009.
