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Posts published in December 2009

Monk, For The Record

In Michael Ondaatje's wonderful novel “Divisadero” — a most memorable part of which is set in Sonoma County — the jazz of Thelonious Monk is…

Bird’s Eye View 12/2/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Let’s go straight to the topics of conversation under discussion at The…

Big Beer Takes Over

Forget about kicking back and enjoying an Ameri­can beer; a massive wave of consolidation is trans­forming the industry. According to a recent report by the…

An Udder Explosion

Thanksgiving Day started out routinely. The cows went through the milking procedure without balking. It was only when I was feeding hay after the milking…

Knee-Deep in Duck

Some impulse purchases are more gratifying than others. This Thanksgiving was to be a small get-together; for our expansive family, an unusually restrained event. As…

Salmon for Wine?

It's one of the career changes some of Mendo's unemployed fishermen are pondering these days, according to a story about California's non-existent commercial salmon industry--and what local fishermen are up to--in the LA Times today.
