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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters To The Editor

CALTRANS v. BIRDS Editor, From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: URGENT UPDATE: In the US alone, over 250 species of birds are endangered, threatened, or of growing conservation concern. This means 1 in 4 birds…

Letters To The Editor

DC NONSENSE Editor, The nonsense going on in Washington these days keeps making me think that we are living in a completely broken, nonfunctional state; one that is incapable of even recognizing, much less responding…

Letters To The Editor

MAX RASPECT, MON Editor, The Sierra Nevada World Music would like to extend a GIGANTIC THANK YOU to all those involved in making our 20th annual summer solstice celebration one of the greatest ever. Despite…

Letters To The Editor

BYPASS: A MAJOR DISSERVICE Editor, "Papa, I want to play!" The first time my daughter said those words during our drive it was easy to smile and let her know that Willits was just ahead,…

Letters To The Editor

WHAT ARE THE ADVENTISTS DOING TO HOWARD HOSPITAL? Editor, What a difference a year makes! Howard Hospital, what has happened to the patient/customer friendly small town hospital we had? Back in 2011, I had the…

Letters To The Editor

GRANDFATHERING SLUDGE Editor, Mendo County Supervisors under cover of darkness tried to grandfather sewage sludge composting. RE: June 10 Agenda timed items, and specific. Item 5(d) "...Waste Composting..." Concerns, Item timing and Agenda summary inaccuracies…

Letters To The Editor

TOTAL REPEAL Editor, Re: Jeff Costello’s April 18 piece, “The Crackpot Files” — Ahh, another appreciator of Thomas Szasz! Yes, he talked to a friend of mine who asked “what should we do about drugs…

Letters To The Editor

ELBOW-TO-ELBOW GUN LAWS Editor, I heard the NRA leader in Texas on radio today and realized how prevalent mental disorders are. This guy is an obsessive, compulsive guy and not a good listener either. He…

Letters To The Editor

839 MILES OF WICK May 19, 2013 To: Jane M. Hicks, Chief, Regulatory Division, San Francisco District, US Army Corps of Engineers, 1455 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1398 Re: Request for Reevaluation of the…
